December 2020

Download article as PDF Peter Merry and Nish Dubashia Dialogue One: Beyond Evolution and the Cognitive Mind This dialogue was transcribed from a video series between Peter Merry and Nish…


Download article as PDF Eric Reynolds I came across a short 2017 article from the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian. It relates how the winter solstice marks the beginning…

Fresh Perspective

12/21 — Robin Lincoln Wood in Conversation with Kathleen Andrews

Download article as PDF Robin Lincoln Wood, Kathleen Andrews Kathleen: Good morning, everybody. I’m here with Robin Wood. Today is September 25, 2020. I had a talk with Robin Wood…


The book is called Seeing Through the World by Jeremy Johnson and is a brilliant introduction to the teaching of Jean Gebser, a name you may not even have heard of. As I devoured the book in a single weekend (fortunately, it’s short), I could feel my world once again gently rocking on its foundations, always a good sign that a book has really hit home. I knew instantly I had a tiger by the tail.

Leadership Coaching Tips

12/21 — Aging, Dying, and What You Leave Behind

I hope these suggestions and questions will help families think ahead, beyond the death of a loved one.


Based on my own experience, I offer the following insights into differences in culture and the challenges a faculty member may experience on entering the new world of business.
