December 2020

Notes from the Field

12/21 — Notes Towards an “Integral” Cosmopolitanism

Download article as PDF Jeremy D Johnson I found myself struggling to find the appropriate leading note for this discussion. History seems to have irrupted this year, reminding us that,…


Download article as PDF Lisa Norton “2020 brought an unexpected opportunity: a powerful challenge to entrenched ways of thinking about the future. The pandemic shock, which has touched every single…

Notes from the Field

12/21 — Why and How to Lead with Confident Vulnerability

I’ve been compelled to share these principles across the world, most recently in 30+ events for young entrepreneurs and major corporations in Morocco and Africa, over the span of nearly 3 years.

Notes from the Field

12/21 — Unraveling the Gender Knot: Transformative Leadership at the ILA

The Thrive Paradox framework is a pathway for understanding the complex intersectionality of gender equity and acts as a powerful tool for creating fundamental shifts in beliefs and sustainable change in our living systems.


12/21 — Notable Reads

Download article as PDF Editors note: The following books are aggregated from the ILR network— we’d love to see them reviewed in future issues! Please reach out to us if…


Download article as PDF Irina Kopaneva, Pamela Shockley-Zalabak, Sherwyn Morreale There is much agreement that these are troubling times, characterized by high levels of distrust of many if not most…


Download article as PDF Michael Wicker The pandemic and the subsequent isolation that so many have experienced has caused unprecedented interruptions in the lives of people. No more is this as…


In these challenging times, it is not just leaders and leadership that are needed, but highly effective leaders and leadership to help institutions of higher learning both survive and thrive.


Download article as PDF Said E. Dawlabani Those who are familiar with Clare W. Graves’ work, know him as the academic behind a more popular conception known as Spiral Dynamics….


“Briefly, what I am proposing is that the psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiralling process marked by progressive subordination of older, lower- order behaviour systems to newer, higher-order systems as man’s existential problems change.”
