Fresh Perspective

Bob Anderson has been a leader in the development of integral approaches to developing leaders. Q In your writing I see the words “spiritual” and “soul.” Do you use those…


Q: One thing from your writing is the idea that the focus on the heroic notion of leadership is destructive. Would you care to comment on that? A: I don’t use the…


Q: I want to start with your interest in Integral. When I reviewed your book, Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others, I found the domains of competence that include the “I, it, we.”…


Q: What is the relationship between your being a chair in ethical management and your Integral Leadership program at H.E.C.? A: It’s pretty straightforward. If we’re talking about integral development, like Ken…


This interview with Sara Ross took place about a year ago. At the time she was engaged in an exchange with Dr. Don Beck on the subject of critical inquiry in the…

Fresh Perspective

A Fresh Perspective: A Conversation with Fred Kofman

Originally from Argentina, Fred Kofman spent several years as a faculty member at MIT and worked closely with Peter Senge. Now in Colorado, his consulting and coaching practice has led…

Fresh Perspective

A Fresh Perspective: A Conversation with Fred Kofman

Originally from Argentina, Fred Kofman spent several years as a faculty member at MIT and worked closely with Peter Senge. Now in Colorado, his consulting and coaching practice has led…


Dr. Cook-Greuter, is principal of Harthill USA. She is a core member of the Psychology and Business Practice Branches of Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute, a think tank in Boulder, Colorado….


Charles Hampden-Turner has written seventeen books. In recent years he has worked closely with Fons Tompenaars and they have co-authored several books on business culture. A recent publication is 21 Leaders…

Fresh Perspective

A Fresh Perspective: A Conversation with Leo Burke

Leo Burke was at Motorola for 12 years, the last six of which were in Motorola University. During that time, he was Dean and Director of the College of Leadership…
