Dr. Wendelin Küpers

Wendelin Kupers
At present he is Professor of Leadership and Organization Studies at Karlshochschule International University in Karlsruhe, Germany where he teaches in the areas of management/leadership, organization studies and research methodology. Previously, I have worked for several years in the business world and have been affiliated with different universities in Europe. For some time I worked also as an Associate Professor at the School of Management, Massey University, Auckland in New Zealand.
Combining a phenomenological and cross-disciplinary orientation, my research moves around embodied, emotional and creative, respectively aesthetic dimensions in organizational life-worlds. In his current research and teaching he is focusing on more responsible, and wiser forms of organization and leadership towards more integral and hence sustainable ‘inter-practices’. He has designed a module on integral organization and leadership at the German Distance University (FernUniversität Hagen).
Besides editing and publishing books and journal articles, and presenting at and convening streams at international conferences, I am engaged in various editorial and review activities.
He can be contacted at: wkuepers@karlshochschule.de
More information
List of Publications Wendelin Küpers
(2015)“Inc. – In-Corporation. Phenomenology for Embodied Organization – The contribution of Merleau-Ponty for a carnal organisation studies and practice (Contracted monograph, in preparation for Palgrave Macmillan)
(2013-2016) (with D. Pauleen) “The Practical Wisdom in Leadership and Organization Series”, London: Gower.
(2013)(with D. Pauleen) “A Handbook of Practical Wisdom: Leadership, Organization and Integral Business Practice“, London: Gower.
(2012)“Phänomenologie des Ästhetischen und integraler Phäno-praxis des Lernens in responsiven Organisationen”, Raleigh: LuLu-Press.
(2010)(with J. Deeg & J. Weibler), “Integrale Steuerung von Organisationen”, München: Oldenbourg Verlag.
(2005) (with Jürgen Weibler) “Emotionen in Organisationen“, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
(2003)(with R. Wunderer), “Demotivation à Remotivation. Wie Leistungspotenziale blockiert und reaktiviert werden“ Neuwied: Luchterhand-Wolters-Kluwer.
(1999)“Phänomenologie der Dienstleistungsqualität“, („Phenomenology of Service Quality), (Ph.D.-Dissertation), Wiesbaden: Gabler-Verlag.
Chapters in Books and Entries in Encyclopaedia
(2014)“Zur Kunst praktischer Weisheit in Organisation und Führung. Die Relevanz von Emotion und Intuition für eine integrale Weisheitspraxis“, In: Fröse, M. & Kaudela-Baum, S. (Eds) High Touch – Emotionen und Intuitionen in Führung und Management, Berlin: Springer (forthcoming).
(2014) “To be physical is to inter-be-come. How embodied matter of intra- and interpracting leadership matters. In: Ladkin, D. & Taylor, S. (2014) ‘Physicality of Leadership’, London: Emerald (forthcoming).
(2014)“Embodied Inter-Be(com)ing – The contribution of Merleau-Ponty’s relational Ontology for a processual understanding of Chiasmic Organising”, in Jenny Helin, Tor Hernes, Daniel Hjorth, Robin Holt, (eds), Oxford Handbook of Process Philosophy and Organization Studies, (413-431), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(2014)“Inter-Integralism – Critical Perspectives on Advanced and Adequate Phenomenology and ‘Pheno-Practice’ for Integral Research, In: Sean Esbjörn-Hargens (ed) True but partial Essential Critiques of Integral Theory, Albany: The State University of New York Press SUNY Press (forthcoming).
(2014)“De-+-Touring Consumption through ‘Inter-Place’, In: Sonnenburg, S. & Wee, D. (Eds.), Touring Consumption, Series Management-Culture-Interpretation, Heidelberg: Springer.
(2013)“Between the Visible and the Invisible in Organisations” In: “The Routledge Companion to Visual Organization”, edited by Emma Bell, Samantha Warren, and Jonathan E. Schroeder, 19-32, London: Routledge.
(2013)(with D. Kayrouz) “Embodied EnVisioning Through Painting(s) in an Organisation – A Case Study about an Art Workshop & Installation in Context of Organisational Change and Transformation”, In: “The Routledge Companion to Visual Organization”, edited by Emma Bell, Samantha Warren, and Jonathan E. Schroeder, London: Routledge (forthcoming).
(2013)“Phenomenology of Visual Perception in Organisations”, “Phenomenology of Visual Learning in Organisations”, “Embodiment and Vision in Organisations”, Glossary Entries for Online Resource-Base as part of “The Routledge Companion to Visual Organization”, edited by Emma Bell, Samantha Warren, and Jonathan E. Schroeder, London: Routledge.
(2013)“The Art of Practical Wisdom ~ Phenomenology of an Embodied, Wise Inter-practice in Organisation and Leadership”, in Küpers, W. & Pauleen, D. (2013). A Handbook of Practical Wisdom. Leadership, Organization and Integral Business Practice. 19-45 Imprint: London: Gower.
(2011)“Analogical Reasoning”, in Encyclopaedia of the Sciences of Learning, Seel, N. M. (Ed.) Springer Reference Works, Heidelberg: Springer.
(2011)“Phenomenology of Learning” in Encyclopaedia of the Sciences of Learning, Seel, N. M. (Ed.) Springer Reference Works, Heidelberg: Springer.
(2011)(with Jürgen Deeg) “Organisational Change and Learning” in Encyclopaedia of the Sciences of Learning, Seel, N. M. (Ed.) Springer Reference Works, Heidelberg: Springer, 2530-2533.
(2009)(with T. Nolan) “Relational Atmospheres – Organisational Climate, Organisational Culture and Peer Work Relationships”, Book chapter in Morrison, R. & Wright, S. (eds), Enemies and Friends in Organisation, 57-77, London: Palgrave Macmillan,.
(2008)“Perspektiven responsiver und integraler Ver-Antwortung in Organisationen und der Wirtschaft (Perspectives on responsive and integral responsibility in Organisations and Economics) In: Heidbrink, L. (Hrsg) (2008), Verantwortung in der Marktwirtschaft, 307-338, Frankfurt: Campus-Verlag,.
(2008)(with J. Weibler) „Intelligente Entscheidungen in Organisationen – Zum Verhältnis von Kognition, Emotion und Intuition“. In: Bortfeldt, A.; Homberger, J.; Kopfer, H.; Pankratz, G.; Strangmeier, R. (Eds.): Intelligent Decision Support – Current Challenges and Approaches. Intelligente Entscheidungsunterstützung – Aktuelle Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze. Festschrift for/für Hermann Gehring, Wiesbaden: Gabler-Verlag, 457-478.
(2008)(with M. Edwards) “Integrating Plurality -Towards an Integral Perspective on Leadership and Organisation” In: Wankel, C. (Ed) (2008), Handbook of 21st Century Management: London: Sage, 311-322.
(2008)“Knowing in Organizations – Pheno-practical Perspectives, In: Knowledge Networks: The Social Software Perspective, edited by: Miltiadis D. Lytras,; Robert Tennyson; Patricia Ordonez de Pablos, Idea Group Publishing, 131-150.
(2006)“Motivation und Integration von Individuum und Organisation, (Motivation and Integration of the Individuum and Organisation)In: Laske, S; Meister-Scheytt, C. & Küpers, W. (2006), Management und Organisation von Bildungseinrichtungen, Oldenburg: Waxmann-Verlag, 54-103
(2006)“Integrale Führung von Bildungseinrichtungen,(Integral Leadership in Academic Organisations) In: Laske, S; Meister-Scheytt, C. & Küpers, W. (2005), Management und Organisation von Bildungseinrichtungen, Oldenburg: Waxmann-Verlag, 118-151.
(2006)“Integrale und authentische Führung“(Integral and Authentic Leadership), In: Wielens, H. (Hrsg.) (2006) „Führen mit Herz und Verstand – integral und authentisch“, Bielefeld; Band 2 Schriftenreihe Kamphausen-Verlag, 335-378.
(2005) “Phenomenology and ´Pheno-Practice´ of embodied and aesthetic Knowing in Organisations”, Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D. (eds) (2005) The Passion for Learning and Knowing. (2 vols.); 636-670, Trento: University of Trento e-books (ISBN 88-8843-100-X http://eprints.biblio.unitn.it/archive/00000828/ Proceedings for the 6th International Conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge, June 9-11, Trento, Italy.
(2005)”Envisioning a Refined Existence between the Sense of Reality and the Sense of Possibility through a Responsive Encounter between Art and Commerce”; In: Brellochs; M. & Schraat, H. (2005) (Ed) “Sophisticated Survival Techniques – Strategies in Art and Economy”, Berlin: Kadmos; 372-397
(2004)“Learning Organization and Leadership”, In: Burns, J. M, Goethals, R. R & Sorenson, G. J. (2004), Encyclopaedia of Leadership, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE; 881-886.
(2004)“Socio-emotional oriented Leadership”, In: Burns, J. M, Goethals, R. R & Sorenson, G. J. (2004), Encyclopaedia of Leadership, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE; 1468-1472.
(2004)“Art and Leadership”, In: Burns, J. M, Goethals, R. R & Sorenson, G. J. (2004), Encyclopaedia of Leadership, Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE; 47-54.
(2004)(with M. Eppler) “Irony and Management. A framework for its Application in Management Practice” In: Ulla Johansson and Jill Woodilla (Eds.) The Ironic Organization, Copenhagen: Liber-Copenhagen Business School Press; 289-305.
(2001)“Philosophie der zwischenmenschlichen Qualität – Entwurf einer postmaterialistischen Dienstleistungsökonomie“, in: Benedikter, R. (Hrsg.) Postmaterialismus, Band 2: Der Menschen, Wien: Passagen Verlag; 96-116.
(2001)“Modelle der Dienstleistungsqualität“, Hauptartikel in: Zollondz, H-D. (Hrsg.) Lexikon des Qualitätsmanagements, München/Wien: Oldenbourg;, 589-598.(second edition 2014, forthcoming)
(2001)“Qualität als philosophischer Begriff“, Hauptartikel in: Zollondz, H-D. (Hrsg.) Lexikon des Qualitätsmangements, München/Wien: Oldenbourg; 843-857. (second edition, 2014, forthcoming).
(2001)“PKQ: Phänomenologisches Konstellationsmodell von Qualitätsbeziehungen“, Hauptartikel in: Zollondz, H-D. (Hrsg.) Lexikon des Qualitätsmanagements, München/Wien: Oldenbourg; 678-698.
(2001)“Qualität als phänomenales Ereignis“, Hauptartikel in: Zollondz, H-D. (Hrsg.) Lexikon des Qualitätsmanagements, München/Wien, Oldenbourg; 828-843 (second edition, 2014, Qualität als relationales Ereignis forthcoming).
(2000)“Embodied Symbolic Consumption. Phenomenological Perspectives of Interpretative Consumer Research”, In: Elliot, R. & Beckmann, S. (Eds.) Perspectives on Interpretative Consumer Research, Copenhagen: CBS-Press; 293-317.
(1999)“M. Polanyi“ Hauptbeitrag, in: Volpi, F. & Koettnitz, M. (Hrsg.), Großes Werkslexikon der Philosophie, 2 Bände, Stuttgart: Kröner-Verlag; 1205-1207.
Articles in Journals (peer-reviewed)
(2014)(with C. Howard) “Somewhere between everywhere and no-where –“Traveling as Embodied and Inter-Placed ‘Be(com)ing’ in the age of digital Ge-stell, In: Special issue Nomadism and Organising, Scripta Nova (including Spanish translation, forthcoming).
(2014) “The Art of Wisdom Learning“, (under review for Academy of Management Learning and Education).
(2014) “Embodied Responsive Ethical Practice – The Contribution of Merleau-Ponty for a Corporeal Ethics in Organisations” (under review for Business Ethics: A European Review).
(2014)“Embodied, Inter-Affection in and beyond Organisational Life-Worlds”, Cultural Horizon – a journal of philosophy and social theory Vol. 15 No. 2, July, 2014, 150-178.
(2014)“Embodied and integral ‘Inter-knowing’ & “Inter-learning” in Organising” (under review for International Journal of Knowledge and Learning).
(2014)“Between Non- and Post-Disciplinarity?!“ Integral Leadership Review4/29 April-June 2014
(2014) “Meta-Theory for Integral Transformational Leadership Research and Practice”, Integral Review, Special Issue on “Research Across Boundaries” (forthcoming).
(2013)„Klug Nichts tun. Die Kunst engagierter Gelassenheit in der Organisations- und Führungspraxis, Zeitschrift für OrganisationsEntwicklung 2, 4-17.
(2013)“Phenomenology of Embodied Senses & ‘Sense-Making’ and the Making of Sense in Organisational Culture, International Journal of Work, Organization and Emotion, Special Issue on: Sensually exploring Culture and affect at work, Vol. 5(4), 325-341.
(2013)“The Sense-Makings of the Senses – Perspectives on Embodied aisthesis & Aesthetics in Organising & Organ-isations, In: Ian King & Jonathan Vickery, (eds). Experiencing Organisations – New Aesthetic Perspectives, Series: Management, Policy & Education, (33-56) Oxfordshire: Libri.
(2013)“Embodied Inter-Practices of Leadership”, for special issue on ‘The Materiality of Leadership: corporeality and subjectivity’ in Leadership 9(3) 335–357.
(2013) (with J. Deeg) “Inter-Bridging – Bridges and Bridging as Media and Metaphor for syntegrality in organization studies”, (under review for Culture & Organisation).
(2012)“Die Kunst der Weisheit als integrale Praxis in Organisation und Führung, In Wirtschaftspsychologie, Sonderheft: Neo-Integrale Führung und Organisationsentwicklung, wertebasiert, entwicklungsorientierte und systemintegriert, 3, 14, 46-57.
(2012)(with S. Mantere, & M. Statler) “Strategy as Storytelling: A phenomenological collaboration” Journal for Management Inquiry (21)3, 1-18. http://jmi.sagepub.com/content/22/1/83
(2012)“Embodied transformative metaphors and narratives in organisational life-worlds of change“, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 26(3), 494 – 528.
(2012)“Integral Response-abilities for organising and managing sustainability”. In: Gabriel Eweje & Michael Perry, (Eds) “Business and Sustainability: Concepts, Strategies and Changes, Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability, Volume 3, London: Emerald, 25–58.
(2012) “Inter-Communicating – Phenomenological Perspectives on Embodied Communication and Con-Textuality in Organisation” Journal for Communication and Culture, Vol. 2, No. 2, 114-138.
(2011) “Embodied Pheno-Pragma-Practice –Phenomenological and Pragmatic Perspectiveson Creative ‘Inter-practice’ in Organisationsbetween Habits and Improvisation; ‘Phenomenology & Practice’ Vol. 5 (1),100-139.
(2011) “Trans-+-Form – Transforming Transformational Leadership for a Creative Change Practice”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Volume 32 Issue 1. 20-40
(2011) “Dancing on the Limen – Embodied and Creative Inter-place as Thresholds of Be(com)ing: Phenomenological Perspectives on Liminality and Transitional Spaces in Organisations, Tamara, Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry Special Issue on Liminality, Vol. 9(3-4), 45-59.
(2011) “Integral Responsibilities for a Responsive and Sustainable Practice in Organizations and Management”, In: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management Journal 18, 3, 137-150.
(2010)“Inter-Places – Embodied Spaces & Places of and for Leader-/Followership – Phenomenological Perspectives on relational Localities & Tele-Presences of leading and following, in: ‘Environment, Space, Place’ Journal Volume 2 / Issue 1 2010, 79-121.
(2009 )“Embodied and Emotional Dimensions of Demotivation in Organisations, International Journal of Organisational Behaviour, Volume 14 (1): July-December 2009, 41-53.
(2009)(with R. Bathurst), “Introduction to Themed Issue on Neo-Classicism – Embodied Artistic Practices and Enacted Perspectives on Reflection-in-and-on-action”, in: aesthesis: international journal of art and aesthetics in management and organizational life, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 7-11.
(2009) “Neo-Classicism and the Re-evolutionary Trans-+-Formation of Organisations in: aesthesis: international journal of art and aesthetics in management and organizational life, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 38-59.
(2009) “Perspectives on integral ‘Pheno-Pragma-Practice’ in organisations, International Journal of Management Practice (IJMP), Vol. 4 No. 1. 27-50.
(2009) “The Status and Relevance of Phenomenology for Integral Research, Integral Review, June 2009, Vol. 5. No. 1. 51-95.
(2009) “The Sense-Making of the Senses, Perspectives on embodied aiesthesis & aesthetics in Organising”, aesthesis: international journal of art and aesthetics in management and organizational life, Vol. 2, Issue 2, 33-53.
(2009 )“Up-lifting the Leadership Down Under – Perspectives on Integral Leadership, in Australasia”, Integral Leadership Review, Volume IX, No. 1, January 2009.
(2008) (with M. Statler), “Practically Wise Leadership: Towards an Integral Understanding, Culture and Organization, Volume 14, Issue 4 December 2008, 379-400.
(2008) „Von der Demotivation zur Remotivation“, Zeitschrift fuer Organisationsentwicklung, 3/2008, 12-22.
(2008)“Embodied ‘Inter-Learning’- An Integral Phenomenology of Learning in and by Organizations”, The Learning Organisation: An International Journal, Vol. 15, Issue 5. 388-408.
(2008) (with J. Weibler), “Emotions in Organization – An Integral Perspective”, “International Journal of Emotion and Work, Vol. 2. No.3, 256-287.
(2008) (with J. Weibler), “Inter-Leadership – Why and How to Think Leader- and Followership Integrally, “Leadership”m Vol. 4(4): 443–47.
(2007) “Integral Pheno-Practice of Wisdom in Management and Organisation”, Social Epistemology, Special Issue on Wisdom and Stupidity, (2007), Vol 22(4), 169 – 193.
(2007) “Integrating Leadership and Followership in Organisations”, International Journal of Leadership Studies, Vol. 2 Issue 3, 194-221
(2007). Perspektiven integraler Ver-Antwortung in Organisationen und der Wirtschaft, Integrale Perspektiven, 5/2007, 16-21.
(2006) “Integrales Lernen in und von Organisationen” (“Integral Learning in and of Organisations”), In: Integral Review, 2, 43-77.
(2006)(with J. Weibler) “How emotional is Transformational Leadership really? Some suggestions for a necessary extension in “Leadership and Organization Development Journal” Volume 27, Number 5, July 2006, 368-383.
(2005) “Phenomenology and Integral Pheno-Practice of Embodied Well-Be(com)ing in Organizations”; “Culture and Organization” September 2005, Vol. 11(3), 221-231.
(2005 )“Embodied Implicit and Narrative Knowing in Organizations”, Journal of Knowledge Management, Volume 9, No 6, 113–133.
(2003) “Communities-of-Practice“ (Praxisgemeinschaften) In: WiSt – Wirtschafts-wissenschaftliches Studium Zeitschrift für Ausbildung und Hochschulkontakt, Jg. 32, Heft 10, 610-612.
(2002) “Phenomenology of Aesthetic Organising – Ways towards Aesthetically Responsive Organisations”, In: Journal Consumption, Markets and Cultures, Volume 5, Issue 1, 31-68.
(2002) (with R. Wunderer), “Leistungsmanagement neu fokussieren – Motivationsbarrieren reduzieren“, In: PSP Index 2002 Porträt Schweizer Personaldienstleistungsunternehmen, Zürich, 14-19.
(2001) (with Wunderer, R.), ”Motivationsbarrieren erkennen und reduzieren – Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung“, In: Personalwirtschaft 8, 2001, 28-31.
(1998 )”Phenomenology of Embodied Productivity in Services”, In: International Journal of Service Industry Management, Special Issue: Service Productivity, Number 4, Volume, 9, 337-358.
Paper for Presentations at Conferences and Working-Paper
(2014)“Embodied, artful design for a creative inter-practicing of leadership, paper for presentation at EGOS conference, Rotterdam, 3-5. 07. 2014.
(2014)Inter-Play(ing) –Embodied and relational possibilities of serious play at work paper for presentation at SCOS conference, Utrecht, 7-10. 7. 2014.
(2014)“Embodied Inter-ruption —The potential of art-based approaches for a liberating irritation of the ‘Sense of Reality’ and explorations through the ‘Sense of Possibility’ in organization and leadership, paper for presentation for ‘Art of Management Conference’ Stream The Disruptive Potential of Arts Based Approaches, Copenhagen Business School, 28-31. 08 2014.
(2014)„Gefühle in der digitalen Welt“, Vortrag für Salon Salon 02: „La voix humaine“, Kunstverein München, 29.1. 2014
(2014)“Ornament as gesture. Merleau-Ponty’s paradox of expression and metaphor of chiasm as enfleshed organizing principle, WOF, World Ornamental Forum, Davos. 18-19. 2. 2014.
(2014) „Aufmerksamkeit und engagierte Gelassenheit als Medien einer Kunst praktischer Weisheit“, Vortrag für „Wissenschaft und Weisheit” Philosophischen Seminar, Fachstelle für Weiterbildung der Universität Zürich, 3. 2. 2014
(2014)Business Ethics through embodied practical wisdom, paper for presentation as EBEN Research Conference, Lissabon 2014
(2013) „Zur Kunst praktischer Weisheit in Organisation und Führung: die Relevanz von Emotion und Intuition“, Key Note speech at Internationaler Kongreß High Touch – Emotionen und Intuitionen in Führung und Management, Hochschule Luzern, Schweiz. 7.-8. 11. 2013
(2013)“De-+-Touring Consumption through ‘Inter-Place’”, paper for presentation at Touring Consumption Conference Karlshochschule, Karlsruhe, Germany, 24-25.10. 2013.
(2013)“ Be(com)ing Reflexive — Potential, forms, levels, domains, limitations of reflexivity and its connection to practical wisdom, Working Paper Karlshochschule, Karlsruhe
(2013)“Embodied and integral Inter-knowing’ & Inter-learning in Organising”, paper for presentation at for “Knowledge and Learning” General Track, European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 26-29.06. 2013.
(2013)“In-Corporation – Phenomenology of Embodied Inter-Practice in Organisation, The contribution of Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy for a carnal organisation studies“ (under review at Philosophy of Management).
(2013)“The Art of Embodied and Creative Inter-Practices of Strategising”, paper for presentation at stream: Sensuous Strategy: Reconnecting Creativity, Aesthetics, and Embodiment to Strategy-making, International Critical Management Conference, Manchester, UK. 10 th. -12 th. July, 2013
(2013)“Embodied Inter-Be(com)ing of the emergence of Novelty in Organization”, paper for presentation at Fifth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies Theme: The Emergence of Novelty in Organizations, 20-22 June 2013, Chania, Crete, Greece.
(2013)“Embodied Inter-Be(com)ing as emergent, creative De-Construction in Organization”, paper for presentation at SCOS, 13-16. 07. 2013, Warsaw, Poland.
(2012)(with C. Howard) “Somewhere between everywhere and nowhere: Travelling as Embodied and Inter-Placed ‘Be(com)ing’ in the age of digital Ge-stell“, paper for presentation at ASCP conference, 10th-12th December, 2012, Auckland.
(2012)“Inter-Passion ~ Embodied Affection in Merleau-Ponty & Deleuze and its relevance for Organisational Life-World”, Paper for Presentation at “Affecting Deleuze A Conference on the Ethics of Gilles Deleuze 18-20 October 2012, The University of Auckland Auckland, New Zealand
(2012)“Between Non- and Post-Disciplinarity?! Perspectives on Integral Inter- & Trans-Disciplinary Re-Search, paper for presentation at cross-disciplinary seminar series, Massey University
(2011)“Sense-Making and Making of Senses in Embodied Organisational Culture”, Paper for presentation at Stream: The sense: Embodying Culture at 7th International Critical Management Conference, Naples, Italy.
(2011)“Embodied Inter-Placing“, paper for presentation at stream on “Topography & Organisation” with Dr. Sayers (SoM), – at the 14th Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies (APROS), 28. 11 – 1. 12. 2011, Auckland
(2010)“Perspectives on Responsible and Integral Practices of Sustainability in Organisation and Leadership”, paper for presentation at Sustainability Workshop The Business Case For Social and Environmental Responsibility, Massey University, November 2010.
(2010) “Meta-Theoretical Perspectives on Integral Transformational Leadership Research and Practice”, Paper for Presentation at International Symposium “Research across Boundaries”, June 2010, Luxembourg University,
(2010)“Inter-Passion – Embodied Affect in Organisational Life-Worlds”, Paper for Presentation at ASCP Conference, Brisbane.
(2010) “Dilemma and Paradoxes in Chiasmic Organisation“, Working Paper for presentation, School of Management, Massey University.
(2010)“Processes of Embodied & CoCreative InterPractices as Organisational Be(com)ing”, paper for presentation at EGOS 2010, sub‐theme: Investigating Organization as Becoming in a World on the Move.
(2009)“Integral Responsibility for a Sustainable Practice in Organisations and Management, Paper for Sustainability Conference, Theme The Sustainability Debate: The way forward, Massey University, Albany Campus, Auckland, New Zealand 12 -13 November, 2009.
(2009) “Bridges and Bridging as Media and Metaphor for syntegrality in organization studies”, paper for presentation at the 27th Standing conference on Organizational Symbolism, “The bridge: Connection, separation, organization” 8-11 July 2009, Copenhagen/Malmö.
(2009)“Embodied Pheno-Pragma-Practice Phenomenological and Pragmatic Perspectives on the creative “Inter-practice” between habits and Improvisation, paper for EGOS conference: Passion for creativity and innovation Energizing the study of organizations and organizing July 2-4, 2009 at ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain Sub-theme 28: Understanding novelty as everyday experience: pragmatist perspectives.
(2008)“Phenomenology of Embodied Emotion and the Demotivational Realities of Organisations in the context of Change”, Research paper, Department of Management and International Business, Massey University, Auckland.
(2008)‘Trans-+-Form’ – Leader- & Follower-Ship’ as an embodied, emotional and aesthetic practice of creative transformation”, paper for stream ‘Leadership An Art: The Embodiment of Creative Thought’, at IV Art of Management Conference Banff Centre, September 2008, Alberta, Canada.
(2008)“Transforming Transformation in Organisation and Management”, paper for Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, ACSCOS 2008 – The 3rd Australasian Caucus of the Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism Neophilia and Organization, 26-28 November 2008, University of Technology, Sydney.
(2008)“Inter-S.p(l)aces – Embodied Spaces & Places of and for Leader-/Followership – Phenomenological Perspectives on relational localities & tele-presences of leading and following between im- & displacement, paper for The 7th International Conference on Studying Leadership ‘The Locales of Leadership’, 12/2008, Auckland University, Auckland.
(2007)“Perspectives on Embodied, Emotional and Aesthetic Dimensions of Transformation in Organisations, paper for presentation at Academy of Management 2007 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Theme: Doing Well By Doing Good. Philadelphia.
(2007)“Inter-Practice – Perspectives on an Integral “Pheno-Practice” in Responsive Organisations”, paper for track “Practice, Practicing and Practising” at EURAM Conference, 05. 2007, Paris
(2007)“Perspectives on Integral and Pragmatic “Pheno-Practice” in Organisations, paper for presentation at 23rd EGOS Colloquium, Beyond Waltz – Dances of Individuals and Organization, Sub-theme 07: Waltzing with the pragmatists, July 5–7, 2007, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration Vienna, Austria.
(2006) (with M. Statler), “Toward an Integral Model of Practically Wise Leadership”; paper for 22nd EGOS Colloquium – Bergen, July 6 – 8, 2006, ‘The Organizing Society’ sub-theme: Leader Integrity and Authenticity.
(2006)“Inter-Knowing and “Inter-Learning” in Organisations as processual Events. The contribution of Advanced Phenomenology and Process-Philosophy for an integral understanding of Knowing and Learning in and of Organisations”, paper for 22nd EGOS Colloquium – Bergen, July 6 – 8, 2006, ‘The Organizing Society’ sub-theme: Process thinking in organization studies.
(2006)“Integral Learning and the Role of Embodiment and Emotions in Learning within and of Organisations, paper for presentation at Track 6 ‘Concepts and practices of organizational learning’, at Conference of European Academy of Management (EURAM), May 17-20, 2006, Oslo, Norway.
(2006)Perspectives on an Integral Understanding of Emotions in Organisations, paper for presentation at Academy of Management (AoM) Conference, August 2005 Atlanta, USA.
(2006)“Inter-Passion- Emotions in the Organisation – State-of-the-Art and Integral Perspectives”, paper for presentation at Track: 15 Emotions In Organizations – What We Know And Where We Go, European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, 17-20 May, Oslo, Norway.
(2005)“Phenomenology of interrelated Embodied and Narrative Knowing in Organizations and Management”, paper for presentation at Academy of Management, (AOM), August 2005, Hawaii, USA.
(2005)“Embodied Wisdom in the relational Practice of Management – Possibilities of a Post-Heroic Understanding of Wise Action, paper for presentation at International Critical Management Studies Conferences ‘Critique and Inclusivity: Opening the Agenda’ 4-6 July 2005, Judge Institute of Management, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
(2005)„Integral Organisational Design, Presentation at „Zollverein School of Management and Design, Essen, Germany.
(2005)“Phenomenology and Qualitative Communication Research and its application as Pheno-practice”, presentation for Research Workshop “Qualitative Research Approaches in the Study of Communication in Organizations: Methods and Issues“, Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione, 5 October 2005, University Lugano, Switzerland.
(2005) (with Urs Jäger) “Inter-Knowing as a processual Event in Organisations”, paper for the „First Organization Studies Summer Workshop” on “Theorizing Process in Organizational Research”, 12-13 June 2005, Santorini, Greece.
(2005)“The Art of Inter-Leadership – Integral Leadership and its implication for Leadership Education, Development and Learning”, paper for presentation at European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Track 31 Leadership Challenges in the World of Multiple Realities, May, 2005, Munich, Germany.
(2005)“Phenomenology of Artful Leadership”; paper for presentation at EGOS (European Group of Organisational Studies) Conference, University, Berlin, June 2005.
(2002)“The Relevance of Emotion for Effective Transformational Leadership” Proceedings, Conference on Leadership Research, December 2002, Oxford, UK.
(2002)“Embodied Performance of Management as Emotional and Aesthetic Process Presentation for Conference „Managing Performance”, European Academy of Management (EURAM), May 2002, Stockholm.
(2002)”Embodied Con-+-textual Politics of Aesthetics in Organizations”, paper for presentation at “18th EGOS Colloquium”, July 2002, Universitat de Barcelona,.
(2001)“Phenomenology of embodied passion and the demotivational realities of organizations, paper for presentation at stream: The Passion of Organizing.Critical Management Studies Conference 11-13 July 2001, Manchester School of Management, UMIST, UK.
(2001)“Embodied Con-+- Texts of Performance”, In: Proceedings of co-organised EIASM-workshop on Reframing Organisational Performance, EIASM Brussels, Belgium.
(2001)“Embodied narrative Con-+- Text – Lived Stories in Organisations as emotional and aesthetic process”; Paper for presentation at “17th EGOS Colloquium”, l’Université Lumière, Lyon, July 2001.
(2000)”Phenomenology of aesthetic organising – Ways towards aesthetically responsive Organizations”, paper for presentation at Conference “Organising Aesthetics”, May 2000, Università di Siena, Italy.
(2000)“The Effects of National Culture on Entrepreneurial Activities in Established Companies, Paper for Presentation at Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, (AOM), August, 2000, Toronto, Canada.
Book Reviews and other Publications
(2012) Book Review of “Rethinking Leadership: A New Look at Old Leadership Questions”. Cheltenham: Elgar by Ladkin, D. (2012), In: Leadership, 2012, 7(4), 513-520.
(2008)Book review of “Demystifying Organizational Learning” by R. Lipshitz, V. J. Friedman, & M. Popper (2006). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage In: “Management Learning” 2008; 39, 619-625.
(2005) Book Review of “The Art Firm – Aesthetic Management and Metaphysical Marketing”. Guillet de Monthoux, P. (2004), Standford, CA: Stanford University Press, In: Scandinavian Journal of Management, Volume 21, Issue 3, 2005, 473-481.
(2002)(mit J. Weibler) “Organisationaler Wandel und Organisationales Lernen”, Lehrbrief für Kurseinheit Organisation IV (teaching course), FernUniversität in Hagen.
(2002)(mit J. Weibler), “Wissensmanagement”, Lehrbriefkapitel für Kurseinheit „Unternehmensführung I“, (teaching course)FernUniversität in Hagen.
(2000)“ZimZum – das unsichtbare Zwischen der Welt- und Menschwerdung. Betrachtungen zu einer Skulptur von Christoph Loos”, In: Loos, C. & Stempel, K. (2000), ZimZum, 9-11, Köln: Wiegand.
(1999)Review of Albrow, M. (1997), “Do Organizations have Feelings?“ London (Routledge), in: „Organizational Studies“, 20(6), November. 1059-1065.
- Scholarship Grant for Ph.D.-Research by private “von-Dörken-Foundation”, Herdecke, Germany (09. 1995 – 08. 1997)
- Grant for Research Project on Demotivation by St. Gallen University, Foundation Funds, (Grundlagenfonds), St. Gallen, Switzerland (07. 1999–08. 2001)
- Marie Curie European Fellowship by European Commission (2009)
- Post-Doctoral Research Scholarship Grant by private “Thyssen-Foundation”, Cologne, Germany (09. 2001 – 08. 2003)
Integral Studies of Organisation and Leadership
In view of various epistemological and methodological shortcomings in the conventional leadership and organisation discourse, integral studies considers that leadership and organisational research demands a comprehensive and multi-level approach suited for investigating the complex, inter-related processes involved.
Consequently, my research on integral understanding of leadership and organisation explores the interdependent dimensions and subjective, inter-subjective and objective dimensions involved. Furthermore, this research identifies developmental stages and levels, classified in a dynamic cycle, which allows a more processual investigation and interpretation of organisation and leadership. This integral research involves also profound discussions on theoretical, empirical and methodological implications. Simultaneously, this research seeks to establish an effective conceptual and practical base for linking theory and practice of organisation and management.
Moreover, this integral approach allows developing very timely and much needed conceptualisations, like that of an integral responsibility and sustainability practices in organisation and management/leadership and its education.