José Luis Yañez Gordillo
José Luis is the founder of www.transformaciondelestres.com and www.liderazgopositivo.com , two websites (more coming soon) devoted to develop an integral view of the role of stress transformation and positive leadership practices in organizations.
He is also an Associate Consultant for Grupo BLC and Talenttools, two consulting firms based in Madrid, Spain, where he develops consulting, training and coaching programmes focused on the application of positive psychology, NLP and mind-body entrainment (neuro-emotional coherence) to leadership development. José Luis’ work covers four main topics:
- Applied research on positive leadership’s assessment & development Tools
- Applied research on techniques and programs on stress transformation
- Content production for training & coaching programmers on the Meta-Competencies of Optimism, Resilience, Stress Transformation, Open Mindedness & Innovation, and Self-Management.
- Consultancy, training and coaching delivery on the above mentioned areas.
In this role, he has implemented numerous OD, training and coaching programmes for organizations such as Vodafone, Pepsico International (Certified Global Coaching Network Member), Citibank, Microsoft, Oracle, etc., based on his proprietary “Be Your Best” © 5 Meta-Competency Positive Leadership Model (http://www.liderazgopositivo.com)
José Luis graduated in Psychology (BSc by University Autonoma of Madrid) and got his MSc Degree in Organizational Behaviour by the University of London (Birkbeck College)
His path to Integral Leadership can perhaps be best described in his own words:
“While developing my career in the Human Resources Management field, working for companies such as Ersnt & Young (Mngr. Executive Search & Selection) and Amadeus GTD (Mngr. HR Dvpmt & Career Mngmt), I started, in parallel, my studies in all what had to do with psychology applied to Integral Leadership, Self-Development & Human Potential Development.
“I went from behavioral modification approaches to transpersonal psychology, going in between through psychoanalysis-based psychotherapy, Gestalt psychology and positive psychology.
“Today, after over 20 years of continuous search, study and applied work, I hold an eclectic approach to Integral Leadership, Self-Development & Human Potential Development and have incorporated a good number of not so orthodox, but incredibly effective, practices and techniques such as neurolinguistic programming, hypnosis, applied kinesiolgy, energy psychology, qigong & taijiquan, mind-body entrainment (neuro-emotional coherence) and mindfullness meditation, among others.
“I am basically a designer of integral, high-performance and high-coherence models of human functioning and development, as well as a trainer and a coach, but more than anything else, I consider myself to be a life-long eager beginner, thirsty of knowledge and full of hope in people. First I prepared myself to become a Master, just to realize that I knew very little, that I was just scratching the surface and that the way was yet long and full of adventure and discovery. Then I became a pupil, a happy one. And that is really all I am.”
José Luis Yañez