The Third Act refers to the final third of our lives, something that has been fundamentally changed by human longevity. We are now living 30 years longer than our great-grandparents. What was old age for them is now middle age for us. So what does this mean for you?
Stuck in an outdated view of ageing and retirement, our social systems and cultural attitudes are failing to keep up. We talk about the problems, the ‘pensions time bomb’ and the ‘costs of health care’ and not the opportunity that the third act presents to grow and develop ourselves.
To explore this next stage in life, The Sunday Business Post, in association with Dr. Edward Kelly, are pleased to present The Third Act conference, designed to inform, inspire and explore what your third act means for you.
Facilitated by Kingsley Aikins, this conference brings together a panel of thought leaders who will share stories of their third act. Featuring the renowned writer and broadcaster Charles Handy, this half-day event promises to be an uplifting and highly motivational forum.
What you’ll explore:
- How can society best make use of this gift of longer lives
- How you may now rethink the stages in our life
- How each stage allows you to do and be something different
- How you can make sure that your third age is also your Third Act
- How best to plan the move from one stage to the next.