The Pursuit of Leadership Symposium: Remembering James MacGregor Burns
2-Day Symposium with George Washington’s Mount Vernon
April 9 – 10, 2015 | Fred W. Smith National Lib. for the Study of George Washington | Mt. Vernon, VA, USA
Home • Registration • Program • Accommodations
Will You Be the Next Editor of Building Leadership Bridges?
The ILA is currently seeking a lead editor for the 2017 volume in our Building Leadership Bridges series. This is a volunteer position. The lead editor(s) must remain an ILA member in good standing throughout the process. If you have a great idea for an edited leadership volume and you’re willing to take on the required commitment, please read the proposal form, for more details, complete the questionnaire and return it, along with your C.V. to ILA care of Debra DeRuyver at dderuyver@ila-net.org by April 30, 2015.
Leading the Change: Social Justice in a Complex World
Date: Friday 10th – Sunday 12th, April 2015
Location: Imperial College Union, South Kensington, London
FIE’s second Student Global Leadership Conference explores the present and future nature of leadership in a world of inequality filled with complex and competing economic, social, and environmental dynamics. From small beginnings can come big change. Privilege, power, choices and responsibilities of leadership in the 21st century will be considered throughout the conference in the context of social justice, both global and local. For more information please email: conference@fie.org.uk
Power Through Partnership: How Women Lead Better Together
with Maggie Ellis Chotas & Betsy Polk
When: Thursday, April 16, 2015 from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. EDT
Cost: free to ILA members, $24.95 for non-members
Details: Learn more
Academic Conference: Leadership, today and tomorrow
21 – 23 May, 2015
An international gathering of leadership thinkers and researchers debating:
- what is the nature of leadership today?
- how do we rethink and develop leadership to bring about a better tomorrow?
Featuring guest speakers including Prof. Jonathan Gosling, this will be a great opportunity to present, connect with and develop great research on leadership & to spend time with old and new friends. We are inviting abstract submissions on any topic within leadership studies, but with preference to research relating to the four sub-topics of the conference: leadership practice; leadership development; leadership and sustainability; new methodological approaches to studying leadership.
Deadline for revised abstracts (for publication): April 30, 2015.
Deadline for full papers (accepted submissions for conference proceedings publication): June 26, 2015
Faculty: Click Here Schedule: Click Here
Conference fee: € 350 (includes conference materials, opening reception, coffee breaks and closing lunch)
2nd Women and Leadership Affinity Group Conference: Advancing Women in Leadership: Waves of Possibilities
June 7 – 10, 2015 | Asilomar Conference Grounds | Pacific Grove, CA, USA Home • Registration • Program • Hotel • Sponsor & Advertise • Twitter: #ILA2015Asilomar
View the online Concurrent Session Program Register for the conference online
Call for Papers – The Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award
Deadline: Friday, June 12, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. EDT
The International Leadership Association (ILA) and the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) are pleased to co-sponsor the annual Kenneth E. Clark Student Research Award to recognize outstanding unpublished papers by undergraduate and graduate students. The award is named in honor of the distinguished scholar and former Chief Executive Officer of the Center. The winner of this year’s award will receive:
- $1,000 cash prize
- Travel and Lodging (up to two nights), and Complimentary Registration to ILA’s 17th Annual Conference, Oct. 14 – Oct. 17, 2015 in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
- Complimentary 1-year membership in the ILA
- Recognition at the ILA conference and in various multi-media ILA publications
Papers must be authored and submitted by graduate or undergraduate students only. All authors must currently be students or must have graduated within one-year prior to the submission deadline of Friday, June 12, 2015. CCL staff and papers submitted to other CCL awards are ineligible.