Tim Merry
“we wakin’” up all the time
I’m wakin’ up as I sit here and rhyme,
when i get lost in the flow of a river
feel a cold shiver
notice the clouds gather on a stormy day
feel sadness as one I love passes away
see a huge vista from a mountain top
and stop and bing!
my heart begins to sing
and I know I’m here for a reason
to ignore this inner voice is my treason
it’s like trapping the year into one season
the winter of discontent
was not meant
to last a lifetime
so I rhyme
to keep me connected to my inner voice
the place from which I can make a clear choice
to live close to my passions and serve my happiness
I confess
that’s my deepest need
to surrender and let my soul feed
cause if I am happy the world becomes a better place
cause I am the world
and the world is me
that sets me free of responsibility to anything other
that living a life I love
that fits me like a glove
set free the dove
cause we just found land
time to park the ark
and play in the sand
bring on the brass band
to celebrate the living of our greatness
then feeling of being weightless
and buoyed by the spirit
of the universe
which is my spirit
which is everyones spirit
cause nobody owns this vibe
we all coming from the same deep tribe
gotta stay connected
to the flashes of truth
before I shoot through the roof
My lifetime is at stake …
what’s it gonna take to stay awake?
to break
the consensus trance
take a stance then
dance the circle dance
with life and death
we linked to the earth by our body and breath
every 7 years our cells completely renewed
don’t be confused
we all a part of the
great unfolding
great moulding
Of the universe
we are the one
the rising of the sun
already begun
I’m refusin’
the illusion
sold to me on my TV
in school
who they tryin’ fool?
I ain’t buyin’ in no more
I only shop store of core
Where you can buy the best
of human potential
by universal principles of power
you can get
the weapons of the warrior for the fight
compassion and insight
plant the stake
set it alight
let the beacons burn from one mountain top to the other
the great soul is rising
the collective intelligence, the mother
bullshitters, duck for cover
make way
here comes the time of the mighty lover!”
About the Author
Tim Merry of Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia is a change leader who works locally and internationally to support change in communities, organizations and society. Participatory engagement, strategic clarity & collaborative action are the core of his practice. They work in direct response to the reality of the world we live in.
Tim designs, delivers and trains processes that are tailor made to meet the needs of all the people involved. “The complexity of the challenges we face, the speed of change and the uncertainty of our times demand we see a bigger picture that none of us could see alone. We must work together to intelligently plan and effectively execute actions that have far reaching impact.”