November Volume 18, Number 3, 2018

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11/30 – November 2018 Cover


In Going Horizontal: Creating a Non-hierarchical Organization, One Practice at a Time Samantha Slade has captured in plain language how to achieve what so many of us have longed for deep down:…

Leadership Coaching Tips

11/30 – We Recreate Ourselves

One of my favorite things about The Leadership Circle is that it fundamentally supports the idea that we recreate ourselves. The Reactive half of the circle offers us a frame…

Fresh Perspective

11/30 – Interview with Robin Lincoln Wood

George:  Hello Robin! I’m happy that we have a chance to have this conversation about your work. Especially because in the last years … well I’ve been a great fan…


There are two foundational vectors of consciousness and self-development: vertical and horizontal. Vertical Development is studied by developmental psychology. The psychology of child development studies stages of consciousness and selfhood…


Innovative Development: Emerging Worldviews and Systems Change (Integral Publishers, 2015) is a useful volume (edited by late Tom Christensen—you did a very good job here, Tom, and I wish you…


The visionary philosopher Ken Wilber (1974) proposed integral leadership theory while exploring the role of human consciousness at the individual level. Wilber gradually added more richness with complexity, comprehensiveness, trans-disciplinarity,…


It is commonly recognised that language is a reflection of culture and the reality portrayed by that culture. The reverse of this relationship, despite being less often considered, is no…


  Getting rid of formal bosses does not mean hierarchy disappears. That is a common misunderstanding in this new tendency towards boss-less and flat organizations. In this paper we resort…

Leadership Coaching Tips

11/30 – Insight Guide’s Listening Tips

The other day I was texting with a friend. He spent time with someone we both knew and I asked how it had been. His response “It was interesting. On one…
