January Volume 10, Number 1, 2010

  • All
  • Book Reviews
  • Coda
  • Feature Articles
  • Fresh Perspective
  • Leadership Coaching Tips
  • Notes from the Field
  • Announcements
  • Leadership Cartoon
  • Emerging Scholars
  • Leadership Emerging
  • Integral for the Masses


Society for Research in Adult Development 25th Annual Adult Development Symposium March 9-10, 2010 ~ In Philadelphia Sofitel Hotel 120 South 17th Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Hotel Website Symposium Fees…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field

Integral Leadership in Action Conference – 2009 by David McCallum Five years ago, back in February/March 2004, I attended the first Integral Leadership seminar that Integral Institute (yes, Institute—it was…

Feature Articles


Climate Change & Values How Different Countries See the Issue by Alan Tonkin Introduction It is perhaps appropriate at this time with the outcome of the Copenhagen Climate Conference to…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field

Integral Leadership in Action by Gary Hawke The 4th Integral Leadership in Action (ILiA) conference took place from October 15th-18th at The Crossings in Austin, Texas. Keeping connected to the…

Feature Articles


Family Owned Business Succession – Building on a Legacy Approach, Case Study, and Results by Maureen Metcalf and Carl Fernyak This article looks at the topic of using integral tools…

Leadership Cartoon

Leadership Cartoon

Mark Hill l am a cartoonist whose cartoons have been published in over 100 magazines and newspapers, including Time Magazine, The Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times. My specialty…

Leadership Coaching Tips

Leadership Coaching Tips

Gut-wrenching Decisions: How Ethically Do You Behave in a Crisis? Judith B. Kaplan, Ruby A. Rouse and Richard S. Schuttler   Being in charge is often uncomfortable and thankless. Nevertheless,…

Book Reviews

Book Review

Measuring Hidden Dimensions of Human Systems: “Foundations of Requisite Organization”, Vol. 2, Otto Laske, (2009) Interdevelopmental Institute Press, Medford, MA, USA by Bernardo A Merizalde In Volume 2 of his…

Emerging Scholars

Student Paper

The Nonlinearity of Cultural Tradition: Baron Carl von Clausewitz, the First Vector of the On War Fractal X by Jeannie Carlisle Volckmann Few would disagree that On War by Barron…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field

Reflections from Prague: The International Leadership Association’s 11th Annual Conference by Jonathan Reams “Leadership for Transformation” was the theme, and the setting was just right – Prague on the eve of…

Leadership Emerging

Leadership Emerging

E.S. Wibbeke. Global Business Leadership. Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009. What could be more natural than to discover a more robust treatment of leadership than one that requires attention to cultural…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field

Iceland National Assembly by Bjarni S. Jonsson A Short History from a Personal Perspective Every member of the organizing group, of the National Assembly, called the Anthill, has their own…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field

Integral University in Paris Michel Nguyen So far, the Integral University (“Université Intégrale” in French) in Paris refers to a cycle of conferences organized by the French chapter of the…



Reflections on Power, Love, Don Beck and Rugby in South Africa Adam Kahane. Power and Love: A Theory and Practice of Social Change. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 2010. Hot off the…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field

“Evoking Beauty—Music in Action” Transformative Workshops with Jessica Roemischer by Jessica Roemischer Over the past twenty-eight years, I have taught piano to hundreds of students. And yet, what probably comes…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field

The ILA Experience by Hadassah Weiner-Friedman It all started two semesters ago at the Union Institute and University residency meeting in Cincinnati, Ohio when Dr. Bernice Ledbetter made the announcement…

Book Reviews


Monologism and Dialogism in Sense-Making and Meaning Making Per Linell, Rethinking Language, Mind, and World Dialogically. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, Inc., 2009 Russ Volckmann Recently I have been…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field

Authentic Leadership in Action-Europe Conference January 10-16, 2010, Elspeet, Netherlands by Emil Moller I’d like to start this review with the notion of courage and trust. The reason is that…

Book Reviews

Book Reiview

Howard Bloom’s The Genius of the Beast: A Radical Revision of Capitalism New York: Prometheus Books, 2009 by Keith Bellamy Recently, the thought of reading yet another Integral Theory book,…

Fresh Perspective

Fresh Perspective

Leadership, Complexity and Development An Interview with Sandra M. Martinez by Russ Volckmann Russ: Sandra Martinez, you have had a varied career. You’ve told me that you once had an…
