December Volume 1, Number 11, 2001

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  • Coda
  • Feature Articles
  • Fresh Perspective
  • Leadership Coaching Tips
  • Leadership Quote
  • Leading Comments


Special Follow-up Review: Diversity and Top Management In the November 2001 issue of LeadershipOpportunity (New Name: Integral Leadership Review) I provided a summary of Kate Sweetman, “don’t Worry, Be Happy,” MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall 2001. That…

Leadership Coaching Tips

Leadership Coaching Tip

Coaching a leader is very much about dealing with the questions and challenges of connectedness. On the one hand, getting at motivation for relationships with others through exploring assumptions, beliefs,…

Fresh Perspective

A Fresh Perspective

I recently had the privilege of attending a meeting of the Professional Coaching And Mentoring Association chapter in San Francisco. I attended expressly to hear Agnes Mura, a highly successful…
