Issue Sections

Leadership Coaching Tips

12/21 — Aging, Dying, and What You Leave Behind

I hope these suggestions and questions will help families think ahead, beyond the death of a loved one.


Based on my own experience, I offer the following insights into differences in culture and the challenges a faculty member may experience on entering the new world of business.

Fresh Perspective

7/31 – Talking Transcendence: Scott Barry Kaufman in Dialogue with Alfonso Montuori

Scott Barry Kaufman and Alfonso Montuori Alfonso: Scott, your earlier books drew extensively from neuroscience. This one rediscovers and updates Maslow and Humanistic psychology, the latter a tradition that has…

Leadership Quote

7/31 – Jacinda Ardern Quotes

On leadership: “To me, leadership is not about necessarily being the loudest in the room, but instead being the bridge, or the thing that is missing in the discussion and…

Leading Comments

7/31 – Creativity, Consciousness, and Leadership: Coronavirus and Beyond

Dear readers, Many thanks for tuning in to the July 2020 issue of ILR. I daresay, we have a great issue to share. The overall theme of this issue is…


7/31 – July 2020 Cover

Eric Reynolds

Notes from the Field

7/31 – Review of IEC 2020 Online

Tom Habib Our need to share our experiences at IEC 2020 threatened to relegate us to a Tower of Babel. The energy swirled among the members of San Diego Integral who attended the conference….


Anouk Brak Hello! My name is Anouk Brack and I’m an expert in leadership development. We know about skills development in leadership, project management skills and conversation skills and all…

Notes from the Field

7/31 – The current state of Integral in Russia

Eugene Pustoshkin This essay was initially written for the Integral European Conference 2020 newsletter and blog in March 2020—it was published there in a significantly abbreviated form. The current version…


Written by Brooke Linn  “An experience of patience or any other psychological resource is a state of mind, and enjoying it helps turn it into a positive trait embedded in…
