Notes from the Field

Assembled & edited by Jane Allen and Nick Owen Snapshots of a transformational leadership conference with inputs from Bill Torbert & Frederic Laloux Amara is a collaboration of likeminded leadership…

Notes from the Field

10/9 – Review of The Third Act Workshop

Edward Kelley INTRODUCTION  Over the past 2-3 years we have run a number of retreats on The Third Act in life. In April of this year we also ran a…


Jeremy D. Johnson Elza Maalouf gave her ITC2015 keynote on Saturday morning. I was present – as the ITC live blogger – and published the bulk of my notes for her…


You can buy a video of Sean Hargens’ opening presentation and more from ITC 2015 here. Well worth watching for a status of integral theory, its impact and potential. His presentation on…


2015-16 State of the Future Jerome C. Glenn, Elizabeth Florescu and The Millennium Project Team Concerned for “the” and “our” future? Highly recommended report by the UN sponsored Millennium…


Paul Gibbs In late July, Middlesex University hosted a symposium of invited academics, thinkers and practitioners to discuss the nature of transdisciplinarity in the context of UK postgraduate higher education….

Notes from the Field

8/19 – Integral Flow Experience with Bence Ganti

Elizabeth Kennedy The altar stood tall, and stood out in the room.  Simply walking into Bence Ganti’s Integral Flow Experience you sense something special is going to happen here.  …


Alia Aurami  A nexus for integral, next-stage organizations is born Since Frederic Laloux published his Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next-Stage of Human Consciousness, with…


Bill Toth As I stood on the balcony of the Herrenhausen Palace, overlooking the magnificent gardens I felt very fortunate to be invited, along with 26 other PhD students to…


Therese Rowley Notes from June 10, 2015 A panel of three young, knowledgeable professionals, representing the fields of green architecture, engineering, construction and interior design spoke about how they were…
