Leadership Quote
Leadership Quote
At one time I got interested in trying to understand how great leaders created enormous social change – take Christ, take Muhammad, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Joan of Arc, Martin Luther…
Leadership Quote
“The interaction between leaders and followers does not take place in a vacuum. It is embedded in a historical or cultural context. It has an institutional setting. And these surrounding…
Leadership Quote
Leadership in a postmodern world can come from outside one’s immediate group, bottom-up or outside the organization altogether. There are no enduring authorities; hence anyone with a better idea and…
Leadership Quote
“Whenever we think in terms of ‘leadership,’ we create a dichotomy: (1) leaders, a select and privileged few, and (2) followers, the vast majority. There follows the implicit judgment that…
Leadership Quote
“It is not leadership from any one person that is required, it is an aspect of leadership each of us summons from within. In this respect, the same qualities we…
Leadership Quote
“Leadership is a practice not a position. It is a practice of building influence relationships to create a movement for transforming change. My issue with most of the leadership stuff…
Leadership Quote
“CEOs need to focus first on changing themselves before they try to change the rest of the company. The process resembles an archaeological dig, or at least it did for…
Leadership Quote
“It is an assumption that leadership starts with a capital ‘L’ and that when you’re on top you’re automatically a leader. It’s part of a larger hero myth that inhibits…
Leadership Quote
“There is a tendency to be dependent on individual leaders. To me, it is important to develop collective leadership. I don’t like to get credit for all that we achieved….
Leadership Quote
“…Last winter BusinessWeek ran a cover story, ‘Waking Up from the American Dream,’ that detailed how most Americans have a small and diminishing chance of moving up in socioeconomic class. “Evidently, Americans…