Book Reviews
Book Review: Theory U: Leading From the Future as it Emerges—The Social Technology of Presencing
C. Otto Scharmer, Theory U: Leading From the Future as it Emerges—The Social Technology of Presencing. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Society for Organizational Learning, 2007, xxiv, 533 pages. Scharmer’s book on the ‘U…
Ken Shepard (Series Editor), Jerry L.Gray, James G. (Jerry) Hunt and Sarah McArthur (Editors), and E. Forrest Christian (Writing Consultant), Organization Design, Levels of Work & Human Capability – Executive Guide. (Ontario:…
Book Review: The Central Liberal Truth: How Politics Can Change a Culture and Save It from Itself
Lawrence E. Harrison. The Central Liberal Truth: How Politics Can Change a Culture and Save It from Itself. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2006, 272 pages) This is a great read…
Book Review: Measuring Hidden Dimensions – The Art and Science of Fully Engaging Adults
Otto Laske. Measuring Hidden Dimensions – The Art and Science of Fully Engaging Adults. Medford, M A:Interdevelomental Institute Press, 2006. This feels like a book of conside power, focus, honesty and splendour –…
Kalman’s Kosmos Fred Kofman, Conscious Business: How to Build Value through Values. Boulder, Colorado, US A: Sounds True, 2006. I knew precious little about Fred Kofman’s work before reading his new book, Conscious Business:…
Book Review: Building a Values-Driven Organization: A Whole System Approach to Cultural Transformation
Kalman’s Kosmos Richard Barrett (2006). Building a Values-Driven Organization: A Whole System Approach to Cultural Transformation. London: Butterworth Heinemann, Elsevier. When I read on Don Beck’s Spiral Dynamics Integral e-list that ”…
Summary Nathan Harter, Clearings in the Forest: On the Study of Leadership. West Lafayette, Indiana: Purdue University Press. Books on the study of leadership, rather than advice to those who want…
Summary Nick Owen. (2004). More Magic of Metaphor: Stories for Leaders, Influencers and Motivators. Carmarthen, Wales, UK: Crown House Publishing Ltd. Owen’s first volume, the Magic of Metaphor includes 77 stories…
Book Review: Mark Edwards
Mark Edwards: At it Again…and Again,,, and Again… “On Being Critical” and Parallel Theories of an AQAL Approach to Relationality: Three Conversations with Ken Wilber The last couple of months…
Summary: Mark Edwards, Another Way of Putting It, My particular take on the four quadrants, holons and suchlike
Edwards wrote this paper to provide a brief, clear guide to key points he makes in an extended presentation also available at Frank Visser’s web site It seems a number…