
Ian Wight Engaging the Integral/Professional Interface I am feeling a yearning for the company of like-minded and like-hearted folks: integral aficionados explicitly valuing their professional identity; evolving professionals explicitly cultivating…


Russ Volckmann Russ:  Gervase Bushe, it’s a great pleasure to meet you finally after many, many years of hearing about your work. We have some colleagues in common given my…


Rebecca Ejo Colwell For several years my koan has been:  How do we close the gap between the human condition and our human potential? I first started to grapple with…

Poetry Gallery

2/15 – 1. The Mother

Tim Merry Yes to the reminder that we are just part of the universe One verse In a song So long It does not belong To Anyone Or any part…

Poetry Gallery

2/15 – 4. Switch it on

Tim Merry Stepping up to voice My choice To let it go The flow Is beyond control So when you fall Roll Then rise Open your eyes See the fresh…


2/15 – Cover

©2014 Aboriginal Nations Education, Greater Victoria School Board, BC, Canada Artist Jamin Zurowski 4 Quadrant Guides: Bear/UL. Wolf /LL. Raven/UR. Salmon/LR. This Totem is a Gift used with permission on…

Poetry Gallery

2/15 – 3. Superman

Tim Merry This is about the cravin’ for savin’ Wanting to control the rampant misbehavin’ Breaking the shackles of all the enslavin’ Break it down Gather round Cause we messin’…

Poetry Gallery

2/15 – 2. Human Family Tree

Tim Merry I’m tired Of hearing how beings are wired For self – destruction The media barrage Creating a collage Of war Environmental collapse by human cause War on terror…


This ability to understand that society is not just a multiplication of you but includes many who are not like you is vital to a healthy society. This is what…


Marilyn Hamilton With this second wave of the Integral Leadership Review – Canada (ILR – C) issue, I imagine, the Rideau Canal lock system symbolizing the environment where our authors…
