Leadership Coaching Tip
Coaching a leader is very much about dealing with the questions and challenges of connectedness. On the one hand, getting at motivation for relationships with others through exploring assumptions, beliefs,…
A Fresh Perspective
I recently had the privilege of attending a meeting of the Professional Coaching And Mentoring Association chapter in San Francisco. I attended expressly to hear Agnes Mura, a highly successful…
Feature Article: Connected Leadership
It is interesting to me how things seem to come together for this publication. In the last issue I wrote about the leader as entrepreneur in relationships with stakeholders. Fundamentally this means…
Leadership Quote
“Unless we respect the reality of the inner world, commensurate in importance with that of the external world, we are not equipped to understand the full meaning of leadership nor…
Leadership Quote
“The whole concept of the all-knowing, omnipotent leader is over. Employees know this isn’t reality–and value a more candid dialogue.” ~Kate Lye, Smythe Dorward Lambert, MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall…
Leadership Coaching Tip
What are the kinds of questions that can be raised with a business leader when coaching them that relate to their role as entrepreneur? Be alert to their view of…
Feature Article: Entrepreneurial Leadership
It is an error to consider entrepreneurship as a realm to be left to the start-up of new business entities. It certainly is that. And, as Pinchot recognized a couple…
Leading Comments
Mission I am grateful for the three hundred and twenty five subscribers (as of this writing) to Leadership Opportunity. Your support means that we can move together closer to a way…
Feature Article: Leading the Enterprise
I’ve always wanted to be an iconoclast. I mean, an effective iconoclast: someone who can powerfully and successfully challenge our conventional thinking, our conventional wisdom. Perhaps that is why the…
Leading Comments
Russ Volckmann
Mission I am grateful for the three hundred and forty-five subscribers (as of this writing) to Leadership Opportunity. Your support means that we can move closer to a way of viewing…