Feature Article: The Journeys of 2nd Tier Leaders Over Time
This article compares the long-term results of leadership case studies from four countries (Brazil, England, Denmark, USA). The long-term results are interpreted through the Integral lens, and the leaders compared…
Leadership Cartoon: Bill Bates
California Newspaper Publishers Award winner and two-time Pulitzer Prize Nominee Bill Bates produces weekly cartoons for the Carmel Pine Cone and political cartoons for the Monterey County Herald. Five-thousnd of…
Integral For the Masses: Perpetual Change – The Integral Leader’s Challenge
Whilst threatening to expose both how long in the tooth I am and my slightly warped musical tastes I have to admit that one of my favorite recordings of all…
Leadership Emerging
Mario Fernando, Spiritual Leadership in the Entrepreneurial Business: A Multifaith Study. Northampton, MA, USA or Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2007. Globilization is not just a phenomenon of economics and business. We…
Feature Article: Celebrating Work to Get Fit for the Future
The identity of the company unit (in the Netherlands) and individuals has been changed in order to honor commitments to anonymity and confidentiality. We anticipate, perhaps in a follow up…
Leadership Coaching Tip: Getting to the Heart of Communication: Being with Perception
You are a business leader. You want to change the culture of your company. Engaging and motivating your people is a key factor. Where do you start? What do you…
Notes from the Field: EuroConFab 2007 September 28th-30th, Dalfsen, The Netherlands Hosted by the Dutch Node of the Center for Human Emergence(CHE)
An in-depth follow-up on Helen Tichen Beeth’s review in November Introduction I was asked to report on this event I attended in the process of my internship—researching what it…
Book Review:Evolutionary Leadership
“ I am the universe writing about itself. You are the universe reading about itself. ” Russ Volckmann’s request that I review Peter Merry’s Evolutionary Leadership has been a personal gift to…
Notes from the Field: From Wooden Shoes to Global Minds: The Dutch Experience
On December 27, 1657, a small group of 30 Dutch immigrants to the “New World” signed what was known as the Flushing Remonstrance, a manifesto declaring, “no one shall be…