

Russ Volckmann

Peter Merry, Evolutionary Leadership

evolutionary leadership cover

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20% off advance copy if ordered by April 15, 2009.

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ALIA Institute Authentic Leadership Programs

Join Bill Torbert and an inspired community of thought-leaders at the Authentic Leadership in Action (ALIA) Institute programs. ALIA Institute offers a uniquely dynamic and integrative model of leadership development that includes skill-building modules, plenary sessions, creative process and mindfulness meditation. In such times of profound change, we invite you to release your capacity for innovation and leadership, within and across organizations and communities. Register now at ALIA Institute.

ALIA West, May 19 – 22, Royal Roads University, Victoria, BC, Canada. / Shambhala Summer Institute, June 21 – 27, Halifax, NS, Canada.

Shambhala Summer Institute
with Margaret Wheatley, Bill Torbert, James Flaherty & others
Nova Scotia, June 21-27

Regional Programs

Leading Profound Innovation
with Otto Scharmer, Arawana Hayashi & Jim Marsden
Ontario, April 5-8

ALIA Europe
with Meg Wheatley, Toke Moeller, Miha Pogačnik & others
Netherlands, Jan 10-16, 2010

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The Global 
Presencing Institute

Inviting all—to whom it may be interesting—to join me in The Global Presencing Institute Community: 

It is based on the work of Otto Scharmer and Integral U.
 Learn more, involve, engage, explore and to join.

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Integral Universe

For those who may be interested, I have just created a Facebook group “Integral Universe”:

“This group is a Facebook hub for people with an interest in networking, news and discussion on Integral, Developmental and Consciousness Theory. Ideas from authors such as Ken Wilber, Jürgen Habermas, Sri Aurobindo, Jane Loevinger, Susanne Cook-Greuter, Jenny Wade, Don Beck, etc.”

All are invited.

It can be viewed at:

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Association of Management and International Association of Management

The 26th Annual AoM/IAoM Conference of the Association of
Management (AoM/IAoM), August 06-08, 2009, Bloomington, Minnesota, USA

Stressed out about the global financial, economic crises affecting institutional cutbacks imposed on scholar and practitioner professional conference attendance, the Association has reduced group attendance rates to meet cost-effectiveness for delegates seeking to attain/retain academic tenure and promotion via collegial participation, submission presentation, and publication in its August 06-08, 2009, Bloomington, Minnesota annual conference.

Individual and group submissions may be of a variety of topics that fall into the general realms of management, higher education, leadership and information technology, to mention a few. Of course submissions do not have to address interrelated topics, rather they will be placed in the conference program thematically. All submissions will undergo a regular peer review process.

For more information regarding the conference, please view

Willem A. Hamel, PhD., CEO
Association of Management and International
Association of Management (AoM/IAoM)
920 Battlefield Boulevard South, Suite 100
Chesapeake, Virginia 23322 USA

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Association of Leadership Educators

“Shining the Light of Leadership”
July 12 – 15, 2009

Marriott Downtown, Providence, RI

Submission Deadlines: April 1, 2009 (Papers & Roundtables), April 30, 2009 (Posters)

The mission of the Association of Leadership Educators is to strengthen and sustain the expertise of professional leadership educators. Membership is open to any individual whose career interest is leadership education. ALE is a growing professional organization with membership throughout the United States and in several foreign countries.

Presentation proposals are being solicited under four tracks: Research, Practice, Roundtable, & Posters.

Research papers share the results of a qualitative and/or quantitative research study, or review of the literature in leadership theory or leadership educational strategy. Research proposals should reflect research which has been completed at time of submission. Proposals should include the following (3000 word minimum excluding references):

Literature Review

Please submit proposals electronically to

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First World Congress on Positive Psychology
International Positive Psychology Association
June 18-21, 2009 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

In the past year, the newly-formed International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA) has gone from zero members to over 4,000 members in 80 countries. With this overwhelming response, IPPA is now planning the First World Congress on Positive Psychology. This Congress will convene the field’s leading researchers and practitioners from around the world in what will be the largest positive psychology gathering ever held.

Phil Zimbardo and Martin Seligman will be presenting a special program on the first evening of the Congress. Ed Diener and Lord Richard Layard will be giving keynotes later in the week. Other invited speakers include Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Barbara Fredrickson, Antonella Delle Fave, David Cooperrider, Carmelo Vázquez, Ruut Veenhoven, Anthony Grant, Yong-Lin Moon, and many others. We will also have international symposia on vital topics in positive psychology, workshops of best practices in the field, and hundreds of posters from researchers, practitioners, and students from every continent.

The only thing missing is you. For more information on the Congress and how you can get registered, please visit, and click on the “World Congress” tab. To take advantage of the Early Registration discount, please register by March 31, 2009.

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May 25-31

Spirals over the Lone Star and 10th Annual SDi Confab

SDi Level One: Standard Foundations Course
SDi Level Two: 10th Annual SDi Confab

Venue: Dallas, Texas
Website: TBA at

Our 10th annual Confab will be something of a milestone for our numerous global Spiral Dynamics groups and colleagues. The theme for 2009 includes a unique focus on both “Culture” and “Train the Trainer.” Many now speak of the importance of culture at multiple levels of scale, and we hope to bring state of the art knowledge about cultural formation and change to this highly popular learning event in Texas. This is the official global gathering of “Spiral Wizards” and we expect to have a good team as we renew old friendships and make new ones. Each year the Confab topic changes and the offering is never repetitive.

November 4-6 
Spirals over Bavaria

SDi Level Two Certification

Venue: Herrsching/Ammersee, Germany
Contact: Dorothea Zimmer and

November 9-15 
Spirals over the Rockies

SDi Level One: Standard Foundations Course
SDi Level Two: 10th Annual Personal Emergence Certification TrainingVenue: Boulder, Colorado

 Website: TBA at

The 2009 Boulder October focus will be on coaching and helper-helpee relationship to enhance the quality of the person to person aspects of Spiral Dynamics. A large number of coaching schools literally around the world are using our models to train coaches in various applications, from executive to life goals and other manifestations. We will create one of our maps depicting the 4Q8L alignment of various schools of coaching and approaches, showing their relevance to levels of complexity and executive leadership.

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The Global Women’s Leadership Network
invites you to a special workshop
Singing for Leadership: 
Releasing Your Inner Leader Through Voice
Saturday, March 28, 2009
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Santa Clara University Campus, Santa Clara, California

Join us for a unique interactive workshop with scholar, writer, educator and musician Kay Kleinerman Ed.D. An innovator in using singing to foster personal transformation and leadership development, Kay will guide you in a transformative learning experience to help you discover and unleash new aspects of yourself that can enlarge and transform your capabilities to lead.

Outcomes from this workshop include:

  • Realization of the link between voice and identity.
  • Finding congruence of self through exploration of voice.
  • Discovering voice as a vehicle for expressing more of yourself in a powerful way.
  • Initial exposure to a model of personal transformation that leads to becoming a more powerful leader.
  • Direct experience of music and text that enables you to learn how to connect with others.
  • Realization of the link between who you are, how you express yourself, and how you lead.

For more information call: (650) 759-2373
Registration fee – $50 (Limited number of spaces. Please register by March 24th.)

Reserve your spot with your contact information at:
Put Singing for Leadership in the subject line.

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ILA Webinar on March 24th
Brigadier General Edward Cardon “Leader Strong: The Army’s Unique Approach to Leader Development and How to Apply It in Your World”

Brigadier General Edward Cardon, deputy commanding general for leadership and education at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and veteran of multiple combat tours in Iraq, will give his perspectives on leader development during a one-hour Webinar. Participants will gain insight on the importance of continuous leader development; the important balance of education, training, and experience; the importance of character; the challenges of combat stress; and the leader’s role in mentoring and developing subordinates. Brigadier General Cardon will share his personal experiences that have been shaped by more than 26 years on active duty ranging from his early days as a cadet at West Point to his later years as a senior leader in combat.
Title: Leader Strong: The Army’s Unique Approach to Leader Development and How to Apply it in Your World

Information: or 1.301.405.5218
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:

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NSi presents: Third Annual
Integral Education Seminar
August 2-7, Whidbey Institute, WA

Featured presenters:
Susanne R. Cook-Greuter, Ed. D.
John T. Kesler
Miriam Mason Martineau
Terry Patten
Craig Hamilton

We invite you to join us to discuss and experience Integral Education–an emerging field that is being propelled by people who seek to include the best of current educational approaches, while at the same time transcending these approaches and pushing the envelope of what education can be. This seminar is for all students of life, whether they be faculty members, administrators, adult educators, parents, or students, who hold education as an important part of their life’s purpose and context for personal evolution.
Seminar goals:

  • Apply the integral framework to education, both theoretically and practically;
  • Share real-life experiences of working in the world as an integral educator;
  • Provide an experience of integral education in the seminar itself;
  • Offer ample opportunities for personal and professional self-reflection and development;
  • Articulate teaching perspectives and generate effective next steps that each of us can bring home and build upon in our day-to-day work as teachers, parents and learners;
  • Come together in a community of fellow seekers and integral education practitioners;
  • Have fun, rejuvenate and soak in the inspiring environment of beautiful Whidbey Institute!