

Michael D. Ostrolenk

Every now and again something happens that stirs a sense of awe in me. I tend to be stirred at a mundane level, at the level of human connection, action and achievement. While these certainly are infused with spirit, it is the manifest that first inspires awe in me.

That is the feeling I had when I went to at the invitation of Michael D. Ostrolenk (an e-mail sent out to many). There I discovered the Global Integral Research organization clearly supported by many of the top names in integral work, including Ken Wilber himself. The list of board members, coparticipants and advisers reads like a Who’s Who of integral.

Not only do they offer prospects of research, but of training, coaching and events, as well. In training one can get certified in Jenny Wade’s Mindsets Leadership Development program (an interview with Jenny Wade is planned for the September issue of Integral Leadership Review).

Seminars on diverse topics are available for private scheduling:

  • On the Inside Looking Out: A Journey Through the Evolution of Consciousness with Jenny Wade Ph.D.
  • Corporations as Governments: Common Ground in the Globalization Morass? with Jim Turner
  • Mundus Integralis: The Cultural Evolution of Consciousness Through Art & Literature with Tony Arcari.
  • “Entheogenic Plants and Chemicals: Past Research and Future Prospects in Religion and Psychotherapy” with Bill Richards, Ph.D.
  • Integral Ecology: A Holonic Mandala of Environmental Think-Actions with Sean Hargens, MA.
  • Organic Learning: A New Way to Think about Health, Education, and Everyday Life with Steven Shafarman.
  • Beyond Left vs. Right: Transforming Politics with Citizen Policies with Steven Shafarman.

Global Integral Research is co-sponsoring a conference entitled “Growing Healthy Selves, Families and Communities” in Northern California with Meg Jordan Ph.D., RN and Sean Hargens, MA in October. More information on that is available on the website.

They also announced that Integral Age ( will be announcing the re-launch of their site and the Journal of Integral Studies very soon. Be on the lookout for that.

This integral groupie stands in awe. The elite of the integral perspective seem to be joining forces in new ways to bring this perspective forward to support further development in the world and for each of us. Contact:

Michael D. Ostrolenk
President, Global Integral Research
Fax: 240-209-0576