The Transdiscplinary Leadership Review’s vision is to make a substantive difference in creating self-sustaining and generative people, systems and earth through an integrative, developmental and transdisciplinary approach to leadership by serving as an integrating force among leaders, developers, theorists, students, consultants and coaches in all domains and cultures.
I am referencing an article in my dissertation. I need to obtain the article/publication information in APA format for:
Articles from Integral Leadership Review
8/19 – Talent Strategies Development in HR by Stages: Developmental Theory Research Through
Coaching 2015-08-18: Lamas & Lumas.
I’m sorry Dawn, but I am not entirely sure what you are asking. Personally I like for questions about APA style. I would treat ILR articles as web articles. Otherwise, all the information you need is in the articles themselves. Does that make sense?