Dr. Ian I. Mitroff
Ian Mitroff known as the father of crisis management. His work in this field is known internationally. In addition, he has been a follower of Ken Wilber’s work since the early 1908’s. In his early book, Stakeholders of the Organizational Mind, he specifically references Wilbert’s work. He is Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California and also serves as:
- University Professor, Alliant International University;
- Senior Investigator, Center for Catastrophic Risk Management, University of California, Berkeley;
- Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health, St. Louis University
- President, Comprehensive Crisis Management
- His Ph.D.is from the University of California at Berkeley in Engineering Science (Major Field: Human Factors, Industrial Engineering) and the Philosophy of Social Science (Minor Field).
He has received numerous honors, including
- Winner of one of Choice magazine’s awards for the best academic books of 2005 (Why Some Companies Emerge Stronger and Better from a Crisis, AMACOM)
- Fellow, The American Association for the Advancement of Science, October, 2001
- Honorary Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Science, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, September, 2000
- Charter Member, Academy of Management’s Journals Hall of Fame, August, 2000
- Fellow, Academy of Management, 1994
- President, International Society for the Systems Sciences, 1992-1993
- Fellow, American Psychological Association, 1987
He frequently consults with Fortune 500 companies, major governmental, and not-for-profit agencies on crisis management and as a policy consultant to the senior management of major public and private corporations on the design and implementation of major information systems for worldwide and nationwide market intelligence for new products and services, He also consulted to the Swedish Defense Ministry on the design of a new defense organization for the 1990’s. He has also been policy and organization design consultant to senior management of major public and private corporations on the design of new organizational structures and corporate cultures for competing in a volatile economy and turbulent business climate. He was a consultant to the Hopi Indian nation on the design of a museum for the Hopi people.
His publications include over 300 papers, articles, op-eds, and 26 books on: Crisis Management, Business Policy, Corporate Culture, Contemporary Media and Current Events, Foreign Affairs and Nuclear Deterrence, Organizational Change, Organizational Psychology and Psychiatry, the Philosophy and Sociology of Science, Public Policy, Scientific Method, Spirituality in the Workplace, and Strategic Planning. His books include:
- How to Emerge Better and Stronger From A Crisis, AMACOM, New York, 2005.
- Crisis Leadership, John Wiley, New York, 2002.
- Managing Crises Before They Happen, with Gus Anagnos, AMACOM, New York, 2000.
- A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America: A Hard Look at Spirituality, Religion, and Values in the Workplace, with Elizabeth A. Denton, Jossey-Bass Inc. Publishers, San Francisco, 1999.
- Smart Thinking for Crazy Times: The Art of Solving the Right Problems, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, 1998.
- The Essential Guide to Managing Corporate Crises, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996.
- Framebreak, The Radical Redesign of American Business, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1994.
- The Unbounded Mind, Oxford University Press, 1993;
- The Unreality Industry, Birch Lane Press, New York, 1989.
Email: ianmitroff@earthlink.net
- Current Positions:
- Professor Emeritus, University of Southern California,
- University Professor, Alliant International University;
- Senior Investigator, Center for Catastrophic Risk Management, University of California, Berkeley;
- Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health, St. Louis University
- President, Comprehensive Crisis Management
- Education:
- B.S., University of California at Berkeley, Engineering Physics, 1961
- M.S., University of California at Berkeley, Structural Engineering, 1963
- Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley, Engineering Science (Major Field: Human Factors,
- Industrial Engineering) and the Philosophy of Social Science (Minor Field), 1967
- Honors:
- Winner of one of Choice magazine’s awards for the best academic books of 2005 (Why Some Companies Emerge Stronger and Better from a Crisis, AMACOM)
- Fellow, The American Association for the Advancement of Science, October, 2001
- Honorary Doctor of Philosophy, Faculty of Social Science, University of Stockholm, Stockholm,
- Sweden, September, 2000
- Charter Member, Academy of Management’s Journals Hall of Fame, August, 2000
- Fellow, Academy of Management, 1994
- President, International Society for the Systems Sciences, 1992-1993
- Fellow, American Psychological Association, 1987
- Professional Experience:
- Frequent consultant to Fortune 500 companies, major governmental, and not-for-profit agencies:
- consultant on crisis management to public and private organizations.
- policy consultant to the Director and chief executive staff of the U.S. Bureau of the Census for over ten years on the general conduct and overall conceptual design of the 1980 and 1990 censuses;
- policy consultant to the senior management of major public and private corporations on the design and implementation of major information systems for worldwide and nationwide market intelligence for new products and services;
- consultant to the U.S. Forest Service on the assessment of the benefits versus the costs of pesticide spraying on agri-business and the general public in the state of California;
- consultant to the Swedish Defense Ministry on the design of a new defense organization for the 1990’s;
- policy and organization design consultant to senior management of major public and private corporations on the design of new organizational structures and corporate cultures for competing in a volatile economy and turbulent business climate;
- consultant to the Hopi Indian nation on the design of a museum for the Hopi people;
- policy consultant on international politics, international business, and corporate strategy for long-term strategic planning;
- Co-producer of a pilot TV series on business “All In A Day’s Work” which aired on KCET – PBS station in Los Angeles, July 1984
- Over 300 papers, articles, op-eds, and 26 books on: Crisis Management, Business Policy, Corporate Culture, Contemporary Media and Current Events, Foreign Affairs and Nuclear Deterrence, Organizational Change, Organizational Psychology and Psychiatry, the Philosophy and Sociology of Science, Public Policy, Scientific Method, Spirituality in the Workplace, and Strategic Planning.
- The 1980 Census: Policy-Making Amid Turbulence, won a Choice magazine award as one of the best social science books for the year 1983-84.
- Corporate Tragedies: Product Tampering, Sabotage, and Other Catastrophes reviewed in the Los Angeles Times. Although it was written before the Bhopal catastrophe, it anticipated it and outlined what corporations must do to cope with the increasing number of catastrophes directed towards them and/or caused by them.
- Frequent contributor to the viewpoint columns of the Business section, Entertainment, and Op-Ed pages of the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun Times, International Herald Tribune.
- His books include:
How to Emerge Better and Stronger From A Crisis, AMACOM, New York, 2005.
Crisis Leadership, John Wiley, New York, 2002.
Managing Crises Before They Happen, with Gus Anagnos, AMACOM, New York, 2000.
A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America: A Hard Look at Spirituality, Religion, and Values in the Workplace, with Elizabeth A. Denton, Jossey-Bass Inc. Publishers, San Francisco, 1999.
Smart Thinking for Crazy Times: The Art of Solving the Right Problems, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, 1998.
The Essential Guide to Managing Corporate Crises, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996.
Framebreak, The Radical Redesign of American Business, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1994.
The Unbounded Mind, Oxford University Press, 1993;
The Unreality Industry, Birch Lane Press, New York, 1989.
Ian Mitroff’s publications may be purchased at
Public Appearances:
- Frequent guest on national radio and TV talk shows: the Michael Jackson KABC Show (L.A.), Window On Wall Street, Financial News Network, Cable News Network, the Ray Brien KABC Show (L.A.), KGO Radio (S.F.), the Tom Snyder KABC Show (L.A.), KABC Radio (New York), Straight-Talk (WOR-TV, New York), the Dick Cavett Show (CNBC, New York), Late Night America (PBS, Washington, DC), Marketplace (nationally syndicated Business Show originating from USC), Larry Mantle (National Public Radio, Los Angeles), “Business Unusual,” CNNfn; Air America.
- Frequent keynote speaker to national conventions of major professional and public organizations.
- Frequent lecturer to academic, corporate, and government leaders in over 20 foreign countries.
Email: ianmitroff@earthlink.net