About the Authors
Beth Sanders MCIP RPP enjoys the wilderness of civilization as a writer and professional city planner. She is president of POPULUS Community Planning Inc., where she works across Canada with government, business, community organizations and citizens striving for cities that serve citizens well. She works with cities at every scale – as an individual, in her family, in neighborhoods and organizations, the city-region, her province, nationally and globally. Beth is on the board of the Canadian Institute of Planners, past president of the Alberta Professional Planners Institute, and co-founder of the Center for Human Emergence Canada. She was co-designer, host and harvester of the global Integral City 2.0 Conference in 2012. She has left the world of senior leadership positions in municipal corporations and now works as a freelance planner while working on her book, Nest City: The Human Drive to Thrive in Cities. http://populus.ca/plan/blog/
Dr. Brian Nattrass and Dr. Mary Nattrass, Managing Partners of Sustainability Partners, Inc., Batten Fellows of the Darden Graduate School of Business, University of Virginia, Special Advisors to the Centre for Sustainability, University of British Columbia, authors of THE NATURAL STEP FOR BUSINESS: Wealth, Ecology and the Evolutionary Corporation, and DANCING WITH THE TIGER Learning Sustainability Step by Natural Step. Contact at: www.sustainabilitypartners.com.
Brigitte Harris is passionate about educating leaders who can make the world a more compassionate and better place. She characterizes her doctoral studies (Ph.D., Ontario Institute for Studies in Education) as a compelling, engaging and ultimately transformational journey. She believes graduate education needs to have those qualities, which is why she loves the work of the School of Leadership Studies at Royal Roads University. Her research interests include qualitative research methods, especially action research, narrative inquiry and arts-based research, learning and teaching in higher education, workplace and professional education, and leadership in healthcare settings. Harris is Associate Professor and the Director of the School of Leadership Studies at Royal Roads University. As a scholar-practitioner, she has led large-scale program evaluations in post-secondary programs, the private sector, and government contexts. She has also used traditional and non-traditional research methods, evaluation, and engagement strategies to lead organizational transformation. Brigitte.3harris@royalroads.ca www.royalroads.ca/prospective-students/programs/leadership-studies
Diana Claire Douglas, M.Ed. At her core, Diana is an artist allowing the creative force to move her and through her into expression. Presently, she is a Systemic Constellation Work (SCW) facilitator/trainer (both family and organizational), in the process of founding the Centre for Systemic Design, Internationally certified coach/facilitator of Organizational Dynamics. She is a core-team member of both Integral Cities and The Hague Center for Governance, Innovation and Emergence, co- evolving the SCW process on behalf of the collective. Her woman’s transformational journey is expressed in offering the retreat: The Heart of the Mother Experience. She has said YES! to participating in evolving and emerging into a new world. Diana is also a long-time student in consciousness and a visual artist, pioneering entrepreneur (services for adult survivors of trauma, and services for self-publishers), non-denominational minister, contemplative researcher (The Imagination Project) and published author (Always Becoming-Forever! A Journal of Conscious Living/Conscious Dying). inspiritworks@sympatico.ca www.theheartofthemother.com.
Edith Friesen is an author, communications consultant, and writing guide who thrives in the creative wilds. During the past four decades, she has written in multiple fields such as journalism, corporate communications, and marketing, and also in several creative genres including creative non-fiction. She is served by a deep-rooted instinct for playing inside the written word, an MA in communications studies, a proclivity for metatheoretical musings, and more than a decade of practicing the integral dance. She has mentored university students and memoirists, and loves to inspire embodied writing that comes from the deepest and lightest part of one’s self. Edith lives with her husband on the shore of Lake Winnipeg, at the edge of the boreal forest in Manitoba, Canada. She welcomes congenial dancing partners in the realms of leaderless leading. arcadiawilds@gmail.com
Gail Hochachka, B.Sc., M.A., works in international sustainable development using integral principles as a Co-Director of Integral Without Borders and as the Executive Director of One Sky-The Canadian Institute for Sustainable Living. She has pioneered the use of an Integral Approach in rainforest conservation, capacity building, leadership development, climate change adaptation, and community resilience in various countries of Latin America and Africa. She is gifted in designing large-scale projects on social transformation, bringing complex theory into heartfelt action in the world. She’s a published author including the book, Developing Sustainability, Developing the Self: An Integral Approach to International and Community Development, as well as with articles in Ecological Applications, World Futures Journal, Trialog Journal for Planning and Building in the Third World, and the Journal of Integral Theory and Practice. She currently manages projects in Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, and Nepal, and she lives with her family in Canada. www.integralwithoutborders.org gail.hochachka@integralwithoutborders.org
Ian Wight is a Senior Scholar affiliated with the Department of City Planning, University of Manitoba. He was responsible for the UM CP capstone Professional Planning Practice course for 20 years, and this article reflects some of his learning experiences. Ian is currently working on a possible series of articles on: the making/s of professionals (praxis/ethos/poiesis); on ‘journaling praxis’ (great places; primal relationships; and unique self); and on evolved forms of professionalism (neo-civic professionalism, inter-professionalism, and meta-professionalism). Ian.Wight@UManitoba.CA ianwight1949@gmail.com
Janice Simcoe is Anishinaabe and a member of the Chippewas of Rama First Nation. She lives in Victoria, British Columbia and is the Chair and Co-Leader of EyēɁ Sqȃ’lewen: The Centre for Indigenous Education & Community Connections at Camosun College. She is also a dedicated community leader and chairs or co-chairs a number of Indigenous education planning councils and advisory boards representing both local and province-wide interests. In addition, she sits on Boards of Directors of two Indigenous community agencies. Janice holds a BA in History from the University of Victoria and an MA in Leadership from Royal Roads University. She is blessed with a supportive and engaged spouse and a wise and curious daughter. Simcoe@camosun.ca
Joanne Hunt is the Co-Founder of Integral Coaching Canada, a global coach training company headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario. Joanne is a passionate visionary rooted in a deep commitment to wholeness and health. Prior to building ICC, she spent fifteen years in senior leadership positions in three multi-national corporations where it was her exceptional ability to get to the ‘heart of the matter’ that enabled her to powerfully influence, design and implement developmental change initiatives.
Joanne profoundly intertwined Science and Soul in building ICC’s coach training programs, informed by her corporate career, never-ceasing study of healthy adult growth, deep Zen and writing practices, embodied application of Integral principles, employing the structure and disciplined practice of a martial arts lineage, all housed within a container of love and uncompromising standards. Joanne is the lead strategic designer of ICC’s graduate programs and corporate initiatives, providing embodied leadership, unique curriculum innovation and powerful transmission. joanne@integralcoachingcanada.com www.integralcoachingcanada.com/
Laura Divine is the Co-Founder of Integral Coaching Canada, a global coach training company headquartered in Canada’s capital. Laura has dedicated her life to the development of human beings, investing extensively in advancing her knowledge of coaching, human resource capacity building and leadership development. Spending fifteen years in the telecommunications industry, she accumulated comprehensive executive experience in change execution, total quality management and coaching implementation within large scale systems before turning her attention to building her own company.
Laura is the lead trainer of faculty and staff at Integral Coaching Canada, ensuring the wisdom of her training architecture and approach to human development is deeply transmitted. She is described as a gentle yet powerful force who brings the precision of embodied wisdom and a steadfast stamina that leaves people astounded. Laura’s long-term Zen and tai chi practices are profound sources of sustenance for her as a leader in complex times. laura@integralcoachingcanada.com https://www.integralcoachingcanada.com/
Joan Arnott “thinks like a planet”. She facilitates deep reflective processes for leaders that expand world views, consciousness and community. She draws on 30 years of wisdom gathered as an executive, management consultant and leader, combining global, evolutionary, spiritual and practical perspectives with her wholehearted willingness, integrity, and frontier experiences. Joan has collaborated on practical and visionary projects with IONS, UNESCO, UN-Habitat, health care, government, crown corporations, community agencies, the forest industry, non-profits and private business. She is known as an adept Listener. Joan graduated in the Geo Justice Track, in a program delivered by Brian Swimme and Matthew Fox that focused on cultural, spiritual, social & ecological issues with a kosmocentric perspective (1988-1989). Since then she has integrated spiritual presence and subtle energy awareness to bring the sacred dimension fully alive in her life and work. Joan is part of the Integral City Core Team, and was on the Integral City 2.0 Online Conference 2012 Team. Central in her life is family and community gardening in South Surrey, BC, Canada. joarnott@shaw.ca
Julia Fortier was drawn to Waterlution in 2008 as a workshop participant, keen to connect with other water lovers and change-makers. Julia’s undergraduate research at McMaster University looked at the implications of “fishing down the food chain” in Atlantic Canada. Her Masters Degree in Environmental Studies, from the University of Waterloo, focused on freshwater management in Canada. Her research examined the social barriers to urban residential rainwater harvesting and how to overcome these obstacles. By the end of her studies, Julia found she had lots of water knowledge but was lacking a community to share with and the processes to put ideas into action. Waterlution provided this community, the processes and so much more! She is now Waterlution’s Program Manager. What is Julia’s favourite part of her job? Connecting with those who have different perspectives, and connecting and mentoring water leaders. julia@waterlution.org website: www.waterlution.org
Karen Kun co-founded Waterlution 11 years ago with the purpose of inspiring pattern-making and pattern breaking change toward a healthier relationship with our water. It was during her time in South Africa in 2002 that the idea emerged, that to solve complex water issues, a blended format of content and process was needed; one without the other would lead only to partial results. Karen aims to push Waterlution’s capacity to be more creative and innovative and to inspire others to be the leaders and mentors they are capable of being. Water complexities require us to have cross-sector dialogue, in inter-generational learning, in pushing ourselves and each other to think in ways we never thought possible. Karen is the Executive Director at Waterlution. Along with her water background, she is a skilled business leader who from 2005-2012 was publisher of Corporate Knights magazine. www.waterlution.org
Linda Shore is a Human Resources and Organizational Development Planner. She served as Director of Human Resources for a metropolitan regional district and held various line and functional positions during her 21 years with the organization. She oversaw the organization’s human resources and organizational development, was responsible for collective agreement negotiations with trade unions, and chaired joint management/union leadership initiatives. Prior to her work in human resources, Linda worked on solid waste reduction and management programs for the private and public sectors. This included sustainable solid waste management master planning and consultation, and the design and delivery of residential, commercial and industrial waste reduction, reuse, and recycling initiatives. She is currently working with Integral City Meshworks on initiatives designed to advance policies and programs for city and eco-region resilience. Linda also provides coaching services to individuals and dispute resolution for groups. She has an MA in Leadership & Adult Training, and is certified with the Justice Institute of British Columbia in Conflict Resolution. Lindamaryshore@gmail.com
Marilyn Hamilton PhD, CPA/CGA is a city evolutionist, prAQtivist, author, and researcher. A radical optimist, she catalyzes city well-being through living, evolutionary, whole systems approaches. Co-creating a global constellation of Integral City Meshworkers, Learning Lhabitats, Peer Associations and City Institutes, she helps people discover invisible options for complex issues, using transdisciplinary actions, ideas, relationships and systems. She incubates resilience and transformation strategies with Civic Leaders, Civil Society, Business and Community Participants. Her passions are designing processes that enable the Human Hive – Gaia’s Most Reflective Organ – to live sustainably so that people can look after Self, Other, Place and Planet.
Founder of Integral City Meshworks and author Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive, Hamilton produced Integral City 2.0 Online Conference 2012 . She is Associate Faculty and/or graduate studies examiner at Royal Roads U, Fielding U, Murdoch U, California Institute of Integral Studies, Adizes Graduate School, Charter: Integral Institute and Integral-Ecology Member; Co-Founder, Center for Human Emergence Canada; Juror Globe Sustainable City Awards. www.integralcity.com marilyn.integralcity.com
Michael Chender has been a dedicated student and teacher of Buddhism since 1970 and later the companion secular teachings of Shambhala under the social visionary Chogyam Trungpa. In 1973 he gave up his dream of being a translator and took over his father’s mining and metals industry consulting business on the latter’s untimely death, and in 1981 founded Metals Economics Group (MEG), which became a recognized leader in competitor intelligence and strategic information products and services for the global mining industry. This seemingly unlikely combination, leavened by raising three powerful daughters with his wife Julie, may have opened his mind a crack, and the idea of founding the Shambhala Institute (now ALIA) entered in 1999. He was the chair of the Institute until 2007, and continues to serve on its Governing Council, which has just taken on an advisory role following ALIA’s recent joining with Naropa University. mchender@eastlink.ca www.naropa.edu
Natasha Mantler is a leadership coach and facilitator, informed by her Undergraduate degree in Psychology from the University of Guelph, Masters in Business Administration from the University of Victoria, and executive coaching degree from Royal Roads University. Currently, she is working toward completing her Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership and Transformation at Saybrook University, dividing her time between Rohnert Park, California and Toronto, Canada with her husband and partner, Eric Reynolds. natashamantler@gmail.com – LinkedIn
Niels Agger-Gupta has been a core faculty member in the School of Leadership Studies at the Royal Roads University since 2007, and was the MA-Leadership Program Head between 2010 and 2013. He has been a consultant and researcher specializing in organizational change, program evaluation, action research, world café, and cultural and linguistic competency in health care. Niels edited the LA County Department of Health Services Cultural and Linguistic Competency Standards (2004), and co-authored “Language Barriers in Healthcare Settings: an Annotated Bibliography of the Research Literature,” and “The California Standards for Healthcare Interpreters,” both published by The California Endowment. As Scholar-Practitioner with Fielding Graduate University’s Institute for Social Innovation, Niels designed, implemented, and evaluated Appreciative Inquiries with Santa Barbara non-profit organizations. Dr. Agger-Gupta holds a Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Systems and an M.A. in O.D. from Fielding Graduate University, in Santa Barbara, California. Niels.Agger-Gupta@royalroads.ca
Olen Gunnlaugson is an Associate Professor in Leadership & Organizational Development within the Department of Management in the Business School at Université Laval, in Quebec City, Canada. He brings an increasingly trans-disciplinary approach to his current research in conversational leadership, deep presencing, we-space practice and facilitation, as well as contemplative management skills and coaching. His research has been published in several books as well as numerous international academic journals and presentations at leading conferences. Project-wise, he is currently collaborating with colleagues on a number of books and articles. More recently, he was the chief co-editor of the management book, Perspectives on Theory U: Insights from the Field, a recently published anthology featuring applied research on Theory U by 30 faculty members and associates from North America and Europe. olen.gunnlaugson@fsa.ulaval.ca
Tam Lundy, PhD, has been active in the field of human and social development since the early 1970’s. As a long-time consultant to government, organizations and communities, she has worked in diverse sectors and settings, including health, human services, community planning and education. Tam has led large-scale initiatives; advised and supported professionals, policy makers and grassroots change leaders; developed and delivered countless workshops and courses; and written extensively on topics ranging from community development, health promotion and capacity building to human development and generative change. She has also taught graduate courses in health promotion and education, and leadership for healthy change.
Tam is currently the Director of Learning at Communities that Can! Institute www.communitiesthatcan.org. tamlundy@communitiesthatcan.org.
Rebecca Ejo Colwell, MBA is Co-Founder of Integral Facilitator® and founder and CEO of Ten Directions®, where she creates and produces a growing network of premiere developmental training opportunities for leaders and experienced professionals.
She is a consultant and advisor to some of today’s most influential transformative thought leaders, authors, and teachers.
For over thirty years Rebecca has facilitated and inspired others to practice facilitative leadership, develop capacities for changing times, and meet a wide range of challenges.
Rebecca’s is grounded in her deep trust of what is, and a tenacious curiosity about what might be possible. As a certified Integral development coach, she offers this presence and perspective to leaders and teams.
Rebecca is an Integral Dharma Holder of Diane Musho Hamilton Sensei, and an ordained Zen monk in the White Plum Lineage of the Soto Zen School.
Rebecca lives with her husband Jim by the sea, in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada.
rebecca@integralfacilitator.com https://tendirections.com
Sue L. T. McGregor is a Canadian home economist (40 years) at Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada (retired) . She was a Professor in the Faculty of Education. She is Associate Editor for the Integral Leadership Review with a focus on Transdisciplinarity. Her intellectual work pushes the boundaries of consumer studies and home economics philosophy and leadership towards integral, transdisciplinary, complexity and moral imperatives. She is Docent in Home Economics at the University of Helsinki, a Kappa Omicron Nu Research Fellow (leadership), an The ATLAS Transdisciplinary Fellow, and an Associate Member of Sustainability Frontiers. Affiliated with 19 professional journals, she is Associate Editor of two home economics journals and part of the Editorial Team for Integral Leadership Review. Sue has delivered 35 keynotes and invited talks in 15 countries and published over 150 peer-reviewed publications, 21 book chapters, and 9 monographs. She published Transformative Practice in 2006. Consumer Moral Leadership was released in 2010. With Russ Volckmann, she co-published Transversity in 2011 and, in 2012, she co-edited The Next 100 Years: Creating Home Economics Futures. Her professional and scholarly work is available at http://www.consultmcgregor.com
Tim Merry of Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia is a change leader who works locally and internationally to support change in communities, organizations and society. Participatory engagement, strategic clarity & collaborative action are the core of his practice. They work in direct response to the reality of the world we live in.
Tim designs, delivers and trains processes that are tailor made to meet the needs of all the people involved. “The complexity of the challenges we face, the speed of change and the uncertainty of our times demand we see a bigger picture that none of us could see alone. We must work together to intelligently plan and effectively execute actions that have far reaching impact.” www.timmerry.com // hello@timmerry.com
Trevor Malkinson lives in Vancouver, Canada. He did a BA in philosophy at the University of Victoria, and a MA in philosophy at Brock University, Ontario. He is currently completing a Masters of Divinity at the Vancouver School of Theology and will be ordained in the United Church of Canada. He was one of the founders of Beams and Struts, an integrally informed online magazine that ran for four years. trevormalk@hotmail.com