August 2011

Download article as PDF Descriptions of varying lengths of books, articles and other media that might be of interest to those who are interested in leading and leadership. Russ Volckmann…


Download article as PDF Russ Volckmann Russ: Roberto, we have been in communication for several years and much of it has been in relation to the work you have done…


Download article as PDF Hubert Hermans & Agnieszka Hermans-Konopka (2010)/ Dialogical Self Theory: Positioning and Counter-positioning in Globalizing Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. John Rowan This is a brilliant book…


Download article as PDF Reaching New Heights in Leadership Education:  Report on the Annual Meeting of the Association of Leadership Educators Eric Kaufman Climb higher. See further. Become a more…

Leadership Cartoon

Leadership Cartoon

Download article as PDF     Mark Hill l am a cartoonist whose cartoons have been published in over 100 magazines and newspapers, including Time Magazine, The Chicago Tribune and…


Download article as PDF South West Integral Group – Integral Alive Day with Gary Hawke  May 22nd 2011 Tessa Martin I feel fortunate to have found a group of people…


Download article as PDF On Potential Repercussions of Mega Sports Events in Russia Eugene Pustoshkin I was deeply emotionally touched—up to tears—when I watched the footage of a dramatic episode…


Download article as PDF Transdisciplinarity, Learning, and Complexity in Fairsies, Keepsies and Mibs Gaetano R. Lotrecchiano Recently I received an email through the Science-of-Team-Science mass mailer from my colleague Steve…


Download article as PDF 2nd Integral Conference in Moscow: “Potential and Prospects of the Integral Approach” Victor Shiryaev The Integral wave is vast and diverse, though it is mostly associated…

Leadership Coaching Tips

Leadership Coaching Tip: A Process for Change

Download article as PDF A Process for Change Barbara Alexander It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. —W. Edwards Deming Many of us agree with the spirit…
