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Brian McConnell This segment of Notes from the Field reflects the shared experience of a small band of reflective practitioners originating in Roanoke, Virginia and interfacing with each other as…


Blake Poland A Mindful Society ( is an annual forum for those interested and/or active in taking mindfulness practice ‘off the cushion’ and into all sectors of society. In addition…

Leadership Coaching Tips

06/29 – Going Slow to Go Fast

Jody Jones Often when we want to make a change, it is because a pattern of behavior, beliefs and confirmation bias has become entrenched and isn’t working for us any…

Notes from the Field

06/29 – Spectrum of Leadership Gifts – A Personal Perspective

Ryan Nakade & Devon Almond The ways of the world evolve as we evolve. Our lenses of life shift as we shift. Each way of the world has its place,…
