Letters to Russ

Letters to Russ

05/31 – Natasha Mantler

It has been just over nine months since Russ passed. There is an immense hole in our lives. At his ocean ceremony in Monterrey California, I expressed how Russ helped…

Letters to Russ

05/31 – Edward Kelly

I wanted to add a short message of appreciation to those many others who have already expressed their deep regard for Russ. In my case it was his ongoing encouragement…

Letters to Russ

8/31 – Kathia Laszlo

Dear Russ, It is an honor to know you and a grace to belong to the wide and yet tight-knit community of integral, holistic, evolutionary thinkers and practitioners who are…

Letters to Russ

8/31 – Arthur ten Wolde

Dear Russ, Deeply sorry to hear you are gone. While we have not been in contact for a few years, our contact concerning the publication in 2012 of an essay…

Letters to Russ

8/31 – Brian Van der Horst

Re-imagining Russ Ten years ago, Russ hunted me down on the internet.  Maybe it was because I had been European Coordinator for Ken Wilber’s  Integral Institute, maybe he just ran…

Letters to Russ

8/31 – Jonathan Reams

My experience with Russ began in 2004, when we were both invited to become board members for ARINA, and subsequently both became involved in Integral Review. I remember being enchanted…

Letters to Russ

8/31 – Rey Carr

Our lives intersected in so many accidental ways that I thought it was destiny speaking to us. We were both graduate students at the University of California at Berkeley. I…

Letters to Russ

8/31 – Ron Cacioppe

Footprints to Integral Leadership ‘In a quiet way, you shake the world” – Mahatma Gandhi I only saw a slight portion of Russ’s life, like watching the light from a…

Letters to Russ

8/31 – Hilary Bradbury

I find myself caught up by the horrible surprise of Russ’ passing. And even surprised by my surprise. For I did not know Russ that well, except toward the end…

Letters to Russ

8/31 – David C. Wigglesworth

I first got to know Russ at the Vision/Action ODN Conference in San Francisco. One of the results of that conference was the publication of the Bay Area ODN called…
