Leadership Quote
“The Integral Self is both fierce and compassionate. Fierce compassion heals. David Whyte says: ‘The blade is so sharp it cuts things together, not apart’ (Whyte, 1997). The inner work…
4/28 – Kegan and Lahey on developing an Everyone Culture
“Imagine so valuing the importance of developing people’s capabilities that you design a culture that itself immersively sweeps every member of the organization into an ongoing developmental journey in the…
We are accustomed to holding a gross and narrow anti-philosophical view on life as a result of random play of only Earth-bound forces. This is, most certainly, wrong. Life as…
1/18 – Leadership Quotes including Lev Gordon, Vasily Nalimov, Vladimir Solovyov, Ken Wilber and Allan Combs
Lev Gordon “Giving words to one’s own stance, explicitly outlining and defining one’s position always, by default principles of our human universe, brings forth antagonistic counterreaction. Hidden, implicitly performed action,…
11/30 – Parker Palmer
“Wholeness does not mean perfection: it means embracing brokenness as an integral part of life. Knowing this gives me hope that human wholeness – mine, yours, ours – need not…
10/9 – Sheryl Sandberg
“In the future, there will be no female leaders. There will just be leaders.” Sheryl Sandberg, Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
8/19 – Petrm Salovaara, Arja Ropo et al
Leadership is a “socially constructed… common process in which the organizational members find themselves and through which they negotiate the becoming of commonly shared phenomena.” – Petrm Salovaara, From Leader-Centricity…
4/7 – Stewart D. Friedman
Stakeholder dialogues will propel you to the next step, designing experiments that will benefit not just you but all the important people in your life. This is, after all, the…
This ability to understand that society is not just a multiplication of you but includes many who are not like you is vital to a healthy society. This is what…
1/15 – Marshall McLuhan
Canada has no goals or direction, yet shares so much of the American character and experience that the role of dialogue and liaison has become entirely natural to Canadians wherever…