Book Reviews
A Review of Don Dunoon, In the Leadership Mode. Vancouver, Canada: Trafford Publishers, 2008. And a nod to Sara Nora Ross, “Fractal Transition Steps To Fractal Stages: The Dynamics of Evolution,…
David Day, Michelle Harrison, and Stanley Halpin. An Integrative Approach to Leader Development: Connecting Adult Development, Identity, and Expertise. New York: Taylor & Frances Group, Routledge (2009). Mindful of the fragmented…
Book Review: Evolving in the City A Review and Interview with Integral City Author Dr. Marilyn Hamilton
Marilyn Hamilton (2008). Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive. Gabriola Island, BC, Canada: New Society Publishers. About Integral City Integral City describes the city as if it were a whole…
Kalman’s Kosmos Matthew Kalman is on paternity leave. We look forward to his return to Integral Leadership Review soon. In the meanwhile, we will offer the opportunity to review books…
Andrew Shorrock. The Transpersonal in Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counselling. Basingstoke/New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. Andrew Shorrock offers us a brief—somewhat over 200 pages—yet informative canter through the highways and byways of…
Feature Article: The Nature of Transpersonal Leadership: Building Potentiating Relationships
The gift we hold within is for the others we meet without. Introduction This much I know to be true, the easiest way to cripple a person for life is…
Steve McIntosh Responds to Kalman’s Critiques
The last issue of Integral Leadership Review contained a review of my book, Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution, by Matthew Kalman. Although Mr. Kalman had a variety of complimentary…
Kalman’s Kosmos Steve McIntosh, Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution: How the Integral Worldview is Transforming Politics, Culture and Spirituality. St. Paul, MN, US A: Paragon House, 2007). This is a book…
Book Review:Evolutionary Leadership
“ I am the universe writing about itself. You are the universe reading about itself. ” Russ Volckmann’s request that I review Peter Merry’s Evolutionary Leadership has been a personal gift to…
Book Review: Theory U: Leading From the Future as it Emerges—The Social Technology of Presencing
C. Otto Scharmer, Theory U: Leading From the Future as it Emerges—The Social Technology of Presencing. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Society for Organizational Learning, 2007, xxiv, 533 pages. Scharmer’s book on the ‘U…