Integral European Conference #IEC
8/31 – 3D-Management: An Integral Business Theory
Marco Antonio Robledo Abstract 3D-Management is an integral meta-theory of management that integrates organizational knowledge in an integral, balanced and non-marginalizing framework. It stands for Three-Dimensional Management, in reference to…
8/31 – From Knowledge Intensive to Wisdom Based Services
Detlev Bohle Service excellence, knowledge intensive service development and wisdom based services are discussed. The review of the present of wisdom based services is based on integral theory. Abstract…
8/31 – If Capitalism is Dead, then what?
Said E. Dawlabani #IEC2016 – Keynote Speech Now we’re going to focus fully on the state of the capitalist system. Today, capitalism is experiencing one of the most profound challenges in…
8/31 – What has Eros/Power got to do with Teal Organizing? Quite a lot!
Heidi Gutekunst, Hilary Bradbury and Dana Carman About the Eros/Power Workshop I will use just two adjectives: shocking and revealing! Shocking because of the very loving but professional way it led me…
8/31 – A Couples Line of Development
Thomas A. Habib Abstract A couples line of development is proposed from an integral perspective. The couples line specifies developmental stages, tasks for each stage and describes cultural messages that…