Feature Articles

We are faced with a growing list of models related to leadership and living systems change. Too often these models are pitted against each other in our conversations and we…


Over the past year I received similar introductions to five bright executives in different organizations. Before each coaching assignment began, I was cautioned, “(S)he’s very hard-nosed. Doesn’t like touchy-feely. Focus…


Is there a case to understand leadership in a developing nation differently from Leadership in a developed economy? I do not suggest that I know the answer by I do…


Thinking of going integral? Sure, there’s all this theory, but are you actually, concretely evolving? Are you walking your talk? You may be entertaining limiting beliefs that form self-imposed, but…


“…We can address poverty, climate change, and environmental destruction at a very modest cost today with huge benefits for shared and sustainable prosperity and peace in the future…” Al Gore:…


in Conversation with Robb Smith–CEO Integral Institute, Chairman & CEO Integral Life Just over a year ago I was given the opportunity to interview Robb Smith, the newly appointed Chief…


Abstract The University of Minnesota created a new all-university, interdisciplinary Center for Integrative Leadership in the summer of 2006. Co-sponsored by the Carlson School of Management and the Hubert H….


Abstract. This paper summarizes the key findings, interpretations and questions that result from a nine-month exploratory study of the emerging field of ‘generative change agent development’ (GCAD). The study was…

Feature Articles

Feature Article: Holding Partnership Conversations

A growing awareness that humankind is facing unprecedented challenges that are is making many of us uneasy. Our dis-ease stems from increasing awareness that humanity’s bill for our impact on the health…

Feature Articles

Feature Article: Implementing Sustainable Transformation – Theory and Application

In our fast changing environment, many of us are asking questions about how to implement sustainable change. Possible solutions are delivered in the many models and stories comprising numerous business…
