
Julia Fischer Terry Patten On the weekend of March 3rd and 4th, 2012, I attended the first in the series of workshops, Encountering the Beloved, with Terry Patten (and Deborah…

Feature Articles

Leadership and the Horse

Bonnita Roy and George Herget This exploration between George and me came about as a result of a conversation between George and Russ Volckmann. Russ could see a special kind…

Feature Articles

From Freedom to Awareness: Towards Personal Leadership

An Essay about Yin, Yang and Thinking Styles Arthur ten Wolde A hopeful trend in these turbulent times is that more and more people are becoming aware of their own…


Marjolein Klips-Wiersma and Lani Morris. The Map of Meaning: A Guide to Sustaining Our Humanity in the World of Work. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf Publications, 2011. This book is exactly the…


Micha Popper. Fact and Fantasy About Leadership. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2012. Here is a book aligned with some of the thinking of folks like Barbara Kellerman and others who…


Susan Cain. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. New York: Crown Publishing, 2012. Okay, I’m an introvert. Or am I? Am I centered in…


Richard Barrett. The New Leadership Paradigm: Leading Self, Leading Others, Leading an Organization, Leading in Society. The Values Center, 2010. If you are truly interested in adult development and/or integral…

Leading Comments

Leading Comments

Russ Volckmann Recently, I had a phone conversation with a colleague who has contributed to ILR in the past and who is in what Barbara Kellerman, Harvard Professor and author…


CODA: Saturn, Death and Integral

I think we all get that we are but miniscule elements in a vast universe, perhaps but one universe among many. Perhaps this sense of awe underlies much of spiritual…

Notes from the Field

ILiA 2012

Evolving Leadership for an Awakening World: Transforming Leadership through Theory, Action and Application Mark McCaslin I had the opportunity to travel to Santa Cruz, California to attend the Integral Leadership…
