
Leadership Quote

Leadership Quote

Leadership in a postmodern world can come from outside one’s immediate group, bottom-up or outside the organization altogether. There are no enduring authorities; hence anyone with a better idea and…



If you or your organization will be holding an event of interest to the readers of this eJournal, please submit your information Information should be submitted sufficiently in advance…


It has been almost ten years since Chris Newham, Prasad Kaipa and I had our first conversations about integral theory and Integral Leadership. Influenced by Howard Gardner’s work on multiple…


Russ: Welcome, Bill and Steve. I would like to congratulate you because in October you will have the first integrally informed leadership book to be published by a major publisher in…

Leadership Quote

Leadership Quote

“Whenever we think in terms of ‘leadership,’ we create a dichotomy: (1) leaders, a select and privileged few, and (2) followers, the vast majority. There follows the implicit judgment that…

Leading Comments

Leading Comments

I wish to express my deepest gratitude to those who have chosen to provide voluntary contributions to support the publication of the Integral Leadership Review. My goal is to continue to…

Leadership Coaching Tips

Leadership Coaching Tip

Watch out for SHAMs It has become pretty clear that self-help programs do not, in themselves, work. Evidence to the contrary is anecdotal, as far as I can discover. Michael…


On November 12, 2004, the day Yasser Arafat was buried in Ramallah, I landed in Ben Gurion airport. Ten days earlier I had watched a team of professional movers disassemble…

Leadership Coaching Tips

Leadership Coaching Tip: Leading and the Mental Model

Your client has a mental model of leading. This includes the very concept of leadership that she holds. It involves what it is to be a leader, what leaders do,…


A few years ago, I was invited to work with Hodgson Sealants Ltd, a Yorkshire-based family firm. They were a leading manufacturer of sealants and Europe’s single biggest supplier of…
