INTRODUCTION: This is the fourth in a series of email exchanges framed as a dialogue between Mark Edwards, an Australian PhD candidate who has written extensively about integral theory and a…
Featured Article: Integral Leadership Coaching: A Holistic Meta-Framework and Process
Never before have coaches been faced with such a wide-open field of conversations directly relevant to the effectiveness of leaders and the stakeholders they serve. As the business world’s center…
Integral For the Masses: Integral Leadership Steve Frazee on The Gulf Between Theory and Practice
As a student of Integral Leadership can you imagine how it might feel to be told that you are to be the first Chief Executive of the most prestigious integral…
Book Review: Measuring Hidden Dimensions – The Art and Science of Fully Engaging Adults
Otto Laske. Measuring Hidden Dimensions – The Art and Science of Fully Engaging Adults. Medford, M A:Interdevelomental Institute Press, 2006. This feels like a book of conside power, focus, honesty and splendour –…
Cuentan con el Artículo: EL LIDERAZGO SE PUEDE ENSEÑAR
La noción de una persona ungida por los dioses que tiene capacidad para arrastrar a las masas hacia donde desea, es un concepto arraigado como mito entre la mayoría de…
Leadership Quote
“In the past, leaders were those who knew the right answers. Today, leaders are those who know the right questions.” ~Mark Sanborn
Kalman’s Kosmos Fred Kofman, Conscious Business: How to Build Value through Values. Boulder, Colorado, US A: Sounds True, 2006. I knew precious little about Fred Kofman’s work before reading his new book, Conscious Business:…
Leadership Coaching Tip: Leadership and Organizational Culture
Theorists from Ed Schein to Fred Kofman have been talking about the importance of organizational culture for organizational success. Culture has am important role to play for leadership. It shapes…
Integral for the Masses: The future is bright!
For some reason that completely escapes me, our minds here in the west seem to do anything other than focus on the present at this time of the year. Perhaps…
Feature Article: Awakening the Integral Self: A Historical Sweep of Human Emergence
The recent discovery of bones at Ethiopia’s Lake Omo indicates that our species is approximately two hundred thousand years old. That observation suggests that 10,000 generations of anatomically modern humans…