

Russ Volckmann

Notes, Conferences, Workshops and Letters
Bureau Chief/Associate Editor

The Integral Leadership Review is pleased to announce that it has begun filling positions as Bureau Chief/Associate Editor. We are looking for people in all major language groups who are interested in publishing in ILR, in finding appropriate materials from other authors, in providing information about leadership events in their areas of interest and in promoting complementary subscriptions to ILR.

Australia: Ron Cacioppe, Email:

Spain and Latin America: Pedro Gioya Rivero and Raquel Torrent, Email:

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The Integral Leadership & Business Affinity Group presents:
Holacracy in Action with Brian Robertson

Sponsored by the Integral Community Center of New York (ICC/NY) and VitalSignage Coaching & Consulting

Date: Saturday, January 27th
Time:1-4 pm
Location: EnlightenNext New York Center, 243 West 30th Street, 11th floor, tel: 212-695-1711

Holacracy—the next step in the evolution of human organizations—literally means governance by the entity itself.

Holacracy is a system of leadership based on the benefits of recognizing and honoring the overriding drive of the whole. Businesses, communities, and associations of all kinds persist while the individuals within them come and go. Thus the advantages of directing an organization by emphasizing the will of the entity as a whole—as opposed to the will of any particular individual(s) within that whole—are profound and far reaching. Positive outcomes include increased efficiency and productivity, enhanced ability to respond rapidly to change, and a vastly improved emotional climate.

Embracing and transcending current and past methods of governance, Holacracy is an integral practice that utilizes interwoven models, principles, and systems such as: integrative decision-making, dynamic steering, and requisite alignment. This synthesis of hierarchical leadership and democratic ideals results in a leap to a higher order of organization capable of artfully navigating a world of increasing complexity and uncertainty.

Under Holacratic leadership, the best result for the organization as a whole is privileged, and the individuals within the organization are honored. The techniques and processes of Holacracy empower people at all levels of business, community, or association to contribute to the underlying drive of the whole to succeed.

Brian Robertson is the founder and CEO of Ternary Software, a provider of outsourced software development services and “agile” process consulting. Ternary is one of the Philadelphia region’s fastest-growing private companies. The firm has won numerous awards for rapid growth, sustainable environmental practices, and providing one of the best work places in the area. Mr. Robertson is internationally known for pioneering Holacracy™, a system for harnessing agility in all aspects of organization. He teaches and speaks frequently at conferences, and his published writings have been translated into several languages. Mr. Robertson has a 20-year background in software; he began programming at age six, and launched his first software-related business at twelve.

To find out more and register, please visit and scroll down to the 3rd event listing on the page.

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Call for Papers

Please consider submitting your manuscripts for publication in the Summer 2007 Issue of Academic Exchange Quarterly.

Topic: Teaching Leadership/Teaching Leaders

Issue: Summer 2007

Submission Deadline: February 28, 2007

Focus: Many courses, programs, curricula, and workshops are created to teach young college students, adults, and practitioners how to lead. The purpose of this issue is to provide a forum to share the knowledge and pedagogy (theory and practice) used to teach others the theories and practices of leading and leadership.

For complete details:

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down and click “Submission Guidelines”
  3. Under Call for Manuscripts click “KEYWORD”
  4. Under Upcoming Issues click “Summer 2007 Leadership” to read a complete Call For Papers.
  5. Back arrow to Call for Manuscripts and follow “Submission Procedure.”
  6. As editor, I will gladly read drafts, help, answer any questions before submission when the manuscript is then formally reviewed. Please email questions to JoAnn Barbour:

The print journal of AEQ has over 23,000 readers, and the electronic version, available free world-wide, has hundreds of thousands of potential readers as it is available from Gale’s InfoTrac Expanded Academic Index.

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Leadership Events in Africa


Samburu Leadership Safari: Kenya – June16-30, 2007

Live with the Samburu people, a nomadic tribe in Northern Kenya, and work with the community to build a well. The lives of the Samburu are difficult – especially with the recent droughts plaguing Africa. Although issues such as HIV/Aids, domestic violence and FGM (female genital mutilation) are prevalent, when asked what they needed most, the Samburu women unanimously replied, “Clean water.” Samburu women must walk an average of 12 miles a day to find water but FGL, in partnership with the Samburu Project, has raised the funds to help drill a well to provide the community clean, fresh water. As a delegate, you will live in a traditional village and also participate in daily Samburu life- which is largely geared around raising livestock – cows, goats and camels.

After the project is completed, we will process the experience on a three day safari where you will learn about the environmental issues that occur when humans compete with wildlife. The Samburu game reserve is home to the African “Big Five” including Elephant, Lion, Leopard, Rhino, and Buffalo. An optional extension to the predominately Muslim spice island of Lamu is also available.

East Africa Leadership Safari: Uganda & Rwanda – June 30 – July 19, 2007

In partnership with the United Nations Population Fund, this unique and intensive service learning opportunity begins in Kampala, Uganda where you will work in a Teen Health Clinic providing HIV testing and counseling as well as conduct outreach to young commercial sex workers living in the slums. Often, young girls (under the age of 18) are the heads of their households due to HIV/ Aids and extreme poverty. The only work available to them is commercial sex work and you will work with a local non-governmental organization who is striving to transform these young women’s lives. In addition, you will work in schools and two orphanages that save the lives of abandoned babies. Last, you will explore the complexities of the population and the environment through meeting with the Jane Goodall Institute and treking for chimpanzees to learn about the conservation efforts for these unique primates. Your time in Uganda will conclude with a safar! i to the Queen Elizabeth Game Reserve – home to elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo, hyena and numerous species of antelope.

After leaving Uganda, you will travel to Rwanda and trek for the rare Mountain Gorilla and learn about the work that has been done since Dian Fossey first brought awareness to their situation. The mountain gorilla shares 97% of human DNA and are in great jeopardy for extinction. You will have the privilege of being within a few feet of these magnificent animals – recognizing that only an estimated 600 are left in the wild today.

Finally, you will spend time in Rwanda meeting with non-governmental organizations that are helping rebuild the country post-genocide. Site visits will include health clinics, orphanages and community empowerment projects for victims of the genocide.

Space iS extremely limited for both programs! Please visit our website for more information or email me directly.

J’Lein Liese, Ph.D.

Foundation for Global Leadership

4757 East Greenway Road, Ste. 107b-132

Phoenix, Arizona 85032

(602) 992 3913 Email:

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11th Annual Cambridge International Health Leadership Programme

The 11th Annual Cambridge International Health Leadership Programme is now accepting nominations for its new Leadership Programme for the period March 9-14, 2007 at The Judge School of Business, Cambridge University, England. Please look at our web site for a copy of the report from the 2006 event, and to download a brochure for the 2007 Programme.

Brochure is here:

You may direct questions about the programme to: Marie-Ann Kyne-Lilley

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WisdomScape™ Training

WisdomScape™ is a suite of visioning and action design tools for leaders striving to achieve inspired, sustainable, world-class results on five levels: Self, Team, Organization, Industry, World. This system of “stretch” tools describes the behaviors of “the global leader of the future”, and it enables professional coaches to assist businesspeople in awakening to new approaches for personal, commercial and social success.

You can become licensed in the foundational level of this vanguard leadership framework, WisdomScape™: Leading Self. Through licensing, you join the emerging niche of professional coaches who practice “sustainability coaching” by using WisdomScape™ to help leaders (as individuals and leadership teams):

  • Foster a workplace of excellence
  • Operate as global citizens
  • Set a clear example of healthy, sustainable growth
  • Live with more meaning in life and work
  • Use vitality and well-being as core strategies for leadership and business success

The WisdomScape™ licensing program combines telecourses, residential sessions and practical client applications so that the professional coach leaves the program with a new, ready-to-use service to offer clients. Dates for the 2007 licensing programs are: March 15– 16 in Dallas, TX, USA; and May 3– 4 in Denver, CO, USA. For more information, contact : ,303.473.9000, or visit

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Arizona Collegiate Leadership Conference

February 16-18, 2007

Consider attending and bringing students. This conference is 3 days and includes over 60 workshops, 7 service projects, teambuilding, 4 recognized speakers, keynote banquet dinner, entertainment, networking, awards, an advisor program track, and a leadership certification program. It is hosted at the University of Arizona. Last year, there were over 350 participants from 26 institutions across 9 states. So, it is a great opportunity for your students to connect with others as they develop their leadership skills and competencies. The cost of the conference for 3 days is only $50, thanks to a number of grants and donations to subsidize the cost for students. For more information, please check out the website at or call us at 520-626-1572.

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17th annual Kravis-deRoulet Conference”The Early Seeds of Leadership: Growing the Next Generation of Leaders.”

Today more than ever, there is a need for leadership. This need does not go unnoticed. We spend billions in our organizations attempting to develop leaders to provide compelling visions, manage their people effectively, and steer their organizations to profitability. Recent corporate scandals, however, suggest that important lessons of leadership are not always utilized. Corporate training in leadership is not the only place leadership skills are acquired. New leaders come to organizations with many leadership lessons and experiences learned at very young ages. Ensuring that these are positive experiences to help guide these young leaders in later life is important, but little is known about the best ways to encourage leadership development before individuals enter the workforce.

The Conference will be held February 23 and 24, 2007, in Claremont, CA, USA. This year’s theme brings together an impressive slate of speakers to talk about many developmental influences on our next generation of leaders. Included are: Howard Gardner, Harvard; Robert Sternberg, Tufts University, and Richard Arvey from the University of Minnesota.

For more information, please visit the conference website:

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Leadership Development Framework and ProfileAuthorisation Workshop and Training Intensive for Professionals

With Dr Susanne Cook-Greuter

9–11 March 2007 Medina, Coogee

Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter and Maja Stanojevic-Andre are pleased to invite you to an intimate, intensive exploration of the Leadership Development Framework (LDF), a framework that illuminates a sound understanding of human development, with demonstrated application in organizational contexts.

Intended Audience

Anyone who plays an active part in the development of others. This includes HR staff, internal or external coaches and consultants, change agents, recruiters, and leaders who coach or mentor their staff.

The Experience

In this three-day intensive, you will experience a rich fusion of personal and professional development. The workshop is structured along a method of inquiry that deepens self awareness step by step. You will begin to consciously understand: “Where am I? What is next for me? What are my greatest challenges? Where is my own learning spiral moving? And where will I get new energy to move forward?”


By participating in this intensive you will:

  • Develop an in-depth understanding of the Leadership Development Framework
  • Complete your own Sentence Completion Test and receive a personal Leadership
  • Development Profile (LDP)
  • Extend your coaching and mentoring skills using the LDF and learn new approaches to team and organisational development
  • Understand your own developmental ‘frame’ and your own development agenda better
  • Understand more clearly the capacities and limitations of your client systems and be able to intervene more powerfully
  • Understand the difference between translation and transformation
  • Learn how to use the sentence completion form and the resulting Leadership Development Profile with individuals and teams
  • Become authorised to use the Leadership Development Framework and Profile, which enables you to commission Profiles for others
  • Become part of a growing community of LDF practitioners.

Closing date for enrolments: February 9, 2007. Limited to 16 participants. All inquiries and bookings: Maja Stanojevic-Andre, 0401 77 55 37 or email

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Course Time Table [With class consensus, course times can be changed]

Course Start Date (2007) Time EST** (2-hr sessions)

Gateway* Monday, January 22, 1 pm, 6 2-hr sessions, one per week

Gateway* Wednesday, February 14, 1 pm, 6 2-hr sessions, one per week

Module A Tuesday, January 23 to February 27, 2 pm

Module B Tuesday, January 23 to February 27, 8 am

Module C Wed, January 24 to February 28, 2 pm

Module Prep-D Presently open

Module D Ongoing until February

Program Two Presently open

Action Learning Tuesday, January 16, 4 pm

Advanced Action L. Monday, January 15, 4 pm

* Two separate classes may be offered.

** European Central Time (CET) is 6 hours, UK time is 5 hours, ahead, thus 2 pm ET equals 20 CET and 19p UK time.

Email: Phone: 781.391.2361 Web:

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Generating Transformative Change in Human Systems

This training is a powerful, leading-edge learning opportunity designed to support the emergence of effective integral leaders and communities of practice. It provides a platform from which you can create your own transformation to a greater level of service, success, and fulfillment. We are pleased to announce open enrollment in our next session of GTC that begins March 20, 2007. Enrollment is limited to 25 participants.

GTC consists of two interlocking 9-month programs, both offered as Professional Certificate Programs through the Leadership Institute of Seattle (LIOS) at Bastyr University. The first program, GTC Core, provides an initiation into the practical living of an integral life as it relates to transformation in human systems—the latest knowledge and theories, leadership approaches, integral life practice, integral assessment, learning community and fields, action inquiry, engagement in your emerging work and global issues. The second part, GTC Advanced, adds greater depth in application of the integral approach by building on these the Core areas: developing further leadership capacities and concentrating on application in one of two areas: leadership and consulting; or individual, family and community. As a participant in this unique and effective program, you will:

  • Become part of a vibrant learning community of transformational leaders from such diverse fields as Healthcare, Technology, Education, Politics, Psychology, Space Exploration, the Arts, Engineering, Social Activism, Religion and Management.
  • Embody an integral, developmental approach in all aspects of leadership and the facilitation of change.
  • Become grounded in leading theoretical frameworks for transformative development in self, other and organizations.
  • Begin to embody these frameworks so they become a natural expression of an engaged life.
  • Explore various relevant global, mega-contexts impacting consulting practices and life in general such as money, ecology, geo-politics and economics.
  • Learn to initiate and deliver an integral assessment.
  • Develop and embody an integral life practice.
  • Participate in an individually tailored journey of transformative development.
  • Meet and join with people from around the world committed to generating positive, global change.

For more information or to apply, visit Contact Dana Carman at 425.882.8859, or email us

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8th annual Metanexus Conference on Transdisciplinarity

Join us this year for the 8th annual Metanexus conference in Philadelphia, June 2-6, 2007 on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania to pursue the really big questions of life, the cosmos, and humanity. Among the attendees will be more than 250 representatives of the Metanexus Global Network of multidisciplinary Local Societies from 40 countries around the world.

The 20th century may very well come to be considered the “age of hyper-specialization.” Through the increasing division of labor—both economic and intellectual—humans have certainly made enormous progress. We see the acceleration of specialization not only in industry, but in higher education as well. Does hyper-specialization, however, with its intensification of complexity and multiplication of information, also produce significant problems? Does it—and must it—lead to disintegration, a fracturing of knowledge, of culture, and of the soul? What impact has hyper-specialization had on education? And what are its implications for that which goes by the name of “science and religion dialogue”?

The challenge of the 21st century will be to integrate or synthesize the outcomes of the exponential growth in human knowledge into meaningful wholes It’s not that specialization needs to be overcome; it’s that individuals, communities, and civilization in general will need to develop the complementary means by which to appropriate and take the measure of all particular expertise. We must regain our ability, a facility, an adeptness at taking the whole into our most profound concern. One approach to a possible synthesis has been commonly known as the “science and religion dialogue.” But does the science and religion dialogue really provide the much-needed intellectual and spiritual synthesis, the antidote to the sorely lacking unity of knowledge? Does such a dialogue really get us to the whole story of the whole cosmos for the whole person? Does it go far enough?

Perhaps we need to consider an even richer vein in a quest for synthesis. A transdisciplinary approach to the unity of knowledge respects the various disciplines and their methodologies, even as it looks for a means for developing a rigorous higher-order appropriation of the knowledge that comes from them. It is the synthetic or integral complement to (not a replacement of) the analytic methodologies of the various sciences. It strategically considers the natural, social, and human sciences, philosophical perspectives, and even religious insights in multi-pronged approaches to theoretical and practical problems. It takes up questions that transcend the boundaries of any given body of expertise.

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