Russ Volckmann



Download article as PDF How can we not think about transitions at this time of year? We have just gone through the transitions of the Mayan calendar to a new…


Carlotta Walker

Download article as PDF Carlotta S. Walker is a leadership and management consultant, specializing in quick-service restaurant (QSR) leader development, and has worked in various capacities in the quick-service industry…


Mark Harman

Download article as PDF A Physician Scientist-Executive, Mark Harman, MD, MSc, is currently entering into the consulting field. His educational background is a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from the…


Mundy Viar

Download article as PDF Mundy Viar is a PhD candidate in the Transformative Inquiry Department at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco.  He is engaging participatory action…

Fresh Perspective

Integral Consulting with Michael McElhenie

Download article as PDF Russ Volckmann Russ: Welcome Michael. It’s a great pleasure to have a chance to talk with you. I first learned about your work with the formation…


Download article as PDF Russ Volckmann Russ: I want to welcome Jeff Klein who has been a light that’s been shining around the integral and the consciousness world for some time….


Health, Poverty and More

Download article as PDF The New York Times published an article on September 20, 2012, by Sabrina Tavernise: Life Spans Shrink for Least-Educated Whites in the U.S. The life expectancy…


Download article as PDF Russ Volckmann It had been ten years since I attended SDi 1 and SDi 2 certifications in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Marilyn Hamilton was working with…

Leading Comments

Check out ilrParticles

Download article as PDF Russ Volckmann These issues of ILR and of ilrParticles are late. This is the first time my memory will allow me to recognize that we are…

Leading Comments

Leading Comments

Download article as PDF Before looking at the material we are providing in this issue of ILR, I would like to thank our interns for 2011-2012. David Houglum, Gonzaga University,…
