October Volume 11, Number 5, 2011

  • All
  • Book Reviews
  • Coda
  • Feature Articles
  • Fresh Perspective
  • Leadership Coaching Tips
  • Notes from the Field
  • Learner Papers
  • Announcements
  • Leadership Emerging
  • Leadership Cartoon
  • Leadership Quote

  Brian Van der Horst Europa, that cash cow of the occident, is bleating conundrums of continuity, at the time of this writing. Will the European Union survive the financial…


Marilyn Hamilton Abstract This article explores and seeks to answer the question Where are the Women in the Integral movement? The author utilizes the principles of “Five Deep” exploration from…

Book Reviews

Book Review: Learning to Inspire

  John Marshall Roberts. Igniting Inspiration: A Persuasion Manual for Visionaries. Transformational Design, 2008. One of the challenges people steeped in theory and ideas have is learning to successfully communicate…

Book Reviews

Book Review: True North Together

  Bill George and Doug Baker. True North Groups: A Powerful Path to Personal and Leadership Development. San Francisco: Barrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.. 2011. During the last year I have been…


Alain Gauthier My intention in this article is to explore emerging concepts and forms of integral leadership, pursuing how they can be scaled up to bring humanity – across the…

Feature Articles

Mindfulness and Leadership: Opening up to Possibilities

Don Dunoon and Ellen Langer A challenge for those of us who want to exercise leadership is to step beyond the obvious, to discern more broadly and keenly the factors…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field: Sydney Spirituality

  Integral Spirituality in Sydney, July 2011 Trish Nowland Beginning in early 2011, through discussion and conversation, the Sydney Integral community built momentum and impetus so that the yearning amongst…

Feature Articles

Spiral Dynamics Integral in Action in a Roma Community in Romania

Alexandre (Rico) de Faria Abstract This article is about the sustainable and healthy human development along the path of human evolution—the Spiral. It is based on a broader study of…


Ken Wilber, American philosopher, has been a prolific writer and contributor of Integral Theory in relation to self development and application across all domains of human activity. Raquel Torrent, founder…

Book Reviews

Book Review: Innovative Leadership

  Maureen Metcalf & Mark Palmer. . Innovative Leadership Fieldbook. Tucson, AZ: Integral Publishers. James L. Ritchie-Dunham What is interesting about this book?  One of my favorite papers on “interesting”…


 About Spiral Dynamics, Critical Realism and Integral Theory Lisa Jaya Waters September was a month of interesting events: The final week of the Integral Leadership Collaborative Conference in which I…


  The New National Collegiate Leadership Association! The National Collegiate Leadership Association is an organization for any college student interested in leadership development. Membership benefits include: Monthly webinars focused on…

Book Reviews

Book Review: Working for Good

  Jeff Klein. Working for Good: Making a Difference While Making a Living. Boulder CO: Sounds True, 2009. Russ Volckmann Not so long ago when I thought of what kind…


  Steven Denning. The Leader’s Guide to Storytelling: Mastering the Art and Discipline of Business Narrative, Revised and Updated. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2011. I consider the book to be a…

Book Reviews

2010 Integral Leadership Review Book Awards

It took a long time to decide on the awards this year. Well, we could have done it sooner, but we didn’t. Part of the challenge was choosing between two…


CODA: Steve Jobs – In Memorium

What has Steve Jobs got to do with Integral Leadership, you ask? I am not sure I can fully answer that nor do I want to take the time now…

Leadership Cartoon

Leadership Cartoon

Mark Hill l am a cartoonist whose cartoons have been published in over 100 magazines and newspapers, including Time Magazine, The Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times. My specialty…


“Presence – or its lack – has enormous consequences for leaders. Presence grants genuine leadership authority by building trust and inspiring others. This is quite a bit different from the…

Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field: Embodying Integral Sustainability

Venwoude, the Netherlands  24th – 28th August 2011 Nynke Feenstra At the beautiful retreat Venwoude we came together to explore and embody Integral Sustainability Leadership. Our group was 20 participants…


  Leida Schuringa 1. Introduction In this article you will find the integral story of the Quality Centre Refugee Women. The Quality centre supports refugee women to discover and develop…
