Oliver Ngodo
- University of Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia 2006
- University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria 1985 – 1987
- University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria 1979 – 1983
- Boys’ High School Ihube, Okigwe, Nigeria 1977 – 1979
- Eko Boys’ High School Lagos, Nigeria 1974 – 1977
- Ph.D. Human Resource Development (Transformational Leadership). Graduation by October, 2008
- The Thrust of my Dissertation: Development and validation of a structural model linking transformational leadership, through the mediating influences of procedural justice and trust, to individual attitudes and behaviors in organizations, specifically organizational citizenship behavior, organizational commitment and job satisfaction
- M.Ed. Foundations 1989
- B.A. Hons. Education/English 1983.
- West African School Certificate 1979
- In active partisan politics in my country, Nigeria 1998 – 2006
- Served in various capacities as loyal member of my party, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP)
- Ran (unsuccessfully) for House of Representatives of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
- Won the position of Secretary of PDP at Ikeja Lagos Nigeria (actually the 1st non-native to win that position in Lagos)
- Successfully reformed data management in my jurisdiction.
- Left for further studies, the next rung in my life program.
- Principal Lecturer, Abia State College of Education, Technical, Arochukwu, Abia State, Nigeria 1996 – 1998.
- As Dean, School of Education, I authored the 1st published book in the name of the College, a challenge I took up on assumption of duty to discover that Lecturers were still selling mimeographed lecture materials in the absence of suitable course materials
- Inspired other Lecturers to come together to develop course materials in different programs, some of which I edited.
- I left for national politics at the return of democracy to Nigeria after 15 years of Military dictatorship.
- Lecturer, Federal College of Education, Obudu, Cross River State, Nigeria 1990 – 1996.
- As a relatively junior faculty member, I successfully brought together very senior colleagues to develop course materials, which I edited
- success in this undertaking inspired me to write my 1st published book in that College
- Publication of my book triggered off writing of more books in other subject areas, leading to banning of sale of mimeographed lecture materials by the College Management
- I received rousing commendation from the College.
- I left when my State Government invited me to assist in effort to establish the State College of Education at Arochukwu, and they desired competent pioneers.
- Course Instructor, Federal University of Technology Yola, Nigeria 1983 – 1985.
- I taught courses such as Language & Communication Skills, Remedial English, English for Specific Purposes, and Utopian Literature.
Research Reports:
- (2008) Procedural justice and trust: The link in the transformational leadership – organizational outcomes relationship. International Journal of Leadership Studies (IJLS). (to come out in the Fall issue).
- (1997) Student-teachers’ perception of the state of their teaching practice: implications for effective teacher preparation in Nigeria. In Iyortsuun, P.T. Ed., Creativity in teacher education, a book of readings. Makurdi: Onaivi Publishing Company Ltd, 288 – 293.
- (1993) JAMB examination as a predictor of academic achievement in Nigerian institutions of higher learning. Obudu Journal of Educational Studies, 1 (2), 25 – 31.
- (1992) Senior secondary school students’ learning difficulties in poetry, prospects for a solution. Obudu Journal of Educational Studies, 1 (1), 4 – 11.
- (1998) The Sociology of Education, a new perspective. Makurdi: Almond Publishers Ltd.
- (1996) The Philosophy of Education, an introductory manual. Makurdi: Almond Publishers Ltd.
- (1993) The general studies manual. Enugu: Kentob Publishers Ltd.
- Chapter Contributions:
- (1996) Students and politics in modern Nigeria. In Kosemani, J.M. and Anuna, M.C. Ed. Politics of education, the Nigerian perspective. Enugu: Ernesco Publishers Ltd. 110 – 121.
- (1995) National stability and students’ unionism. In Okpara, E.N. Ed. Education and national stability, a book of readings. Nsukka: University Trust Publishers, 343 – 352.
- (1994) Education and social change. In Ozuzu, C.N. and Okonkwo, C. Ed. Sociology of Education, an introduction. Owerri: Klet-ken Publishers Ltd, 83 – 90.
- (1994) Social stratification and education. In Ozuzu, C.N. and Okonkwo, C. Ed. Sociology of Education, an introduction. Owerri: Klet-ken Publishers Ltd. 57 – 69.
Paper Presentations:
- (2002) Developing positive attitude to teaching: the professional need of the 21st century Nigeria. A presentation in a seminar on: Ethical reorientation toward the Universal Basic Education (UBE) program – the teachers’ perspective, at the Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) secretariat, Suleja, Niger State, Nigeria, March 24 – 26, 2002.
- (2002) Universal Basic Education (UBE) program in Nigeria. A lead paper in a seminar on: Ethical reorientation toward the Universal Basic Education (UBE) program – the teachers’ perspective, at the Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) secretariat, Suleja, Niger State, Nigeria, March 24 – 26, 2002.
- (1997) Dissemination and utilization of educational research information in Nigeria: analysis and concern. A paper presented at the 9th annual conference of the Association for Promoting Quality Education in Nigeria (APQEN) on the theme Research in quality education, at the National Institute for Nigerian Languages (NINLAN) Aba Nigeria on October 13 – 18, 1997.
- (1997) Measurement of educational outcomes: dimensions of issues and concern. A lead paper in a seminar at Abia State College of Education, Technical, Arochukwu, Abia State, Nigeria on June 25, 1997.
- (1995) Problems and issues in the selection of candidates for university admission on the basis of performance in matriculation examination. A paper presented at the 7th annual conference of the Association for Promoting Quality Education in Nigeria (APQEN) on the theme: the survival of the Nigerian education system, held at the University of Uyo, October 9 – 14, 1995.
- (1994) Government’s dilemma in sustaining the delivery of high quality education. A paper presented at the 4th Annual Conference on Educational Development in Nigeria at the Lagos State University, Ojo, April 12 – 14, 1994.
- (1984) The role of English in a technological university. A seminar paper co-authored with colleagues and presented at Federal University of Technology, Yola, Nigeria, April 8, 1984.
Membership of Professional/Learned Societies
- Member, International Leadership Association (ILA) – http://www.ila-net.org
- Integral Leadership Review (ILR) and Insights on Leadership; Associate Editor, LeadingDigest – https://transdisciplinaryleadership.org Associate Member, Association for Promoting Quality Education in Nigeria (APQEN).
- Member, Hope New Generation, Sarawak Malaysia: http://www.hopenewgen.org
- Special Correspondent, Megastar International Magazine, 1988 – 2002.
Contact Information
Faculty of Cognitive Science and Human Development
University of Malaysia Sarawak,
94300 Kota Samarahan,
Sarawak, Malaysia.
E-mail: oliverngodo@yahoo.com
Phone: + 6082581508 (Office)