
2/15 – Cover

Jeannie Carlisle Volckmann

©2014 Aboriginal Nations Education, Greater Victoria School Board, BC, Canada
Artist Jamin Zurowski
4 Quadrant Guides: Bear/UL. Wolf /LL. Raven/UR. Salmon/LR.
This Totem is a Gift used with permission on this Canada Issue. Please do not reproduce without © Permission.


  1. Marilyn Hamilton on February 24, 2015 at 10:14 pm

    Both covers on our Integral Leadership Review-Canada came about through many people – firstly through the Artist and Copyright Holders in the caption above. Then through Janice Simcoe who obtained their permission and wrote beautiful article Then it was protyped by Architect and Graphic Designer Amy Oliver. And finally adapted into its final form by Jeannie Carlisle. Thank you to this whole constellation of artists for your contributions to making this issue so special!!
    Marilyn Hamilton, Guest Editor

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