
Leading Comments

Mark McCaslin

Mark McCaslin

Mark McCaslin

Mark McCaslin

What a pleasure it is to present the June issue of the Integral Leadership Review. This issue is packed with quality contributions and discussion concerning the nature of integral leadership. Be sure to check out Elza Maalouf’s and Russ Volckmann’s conversation in Fresh Perspectives. I think you will enjoy their discussion concerning Elza’s activities in the Middle East with Don Beck as they introduced spiral dynamics to Palestine. In addition, make sure you take a moment to engage the Lisa Norton’s and Alfonso Montouri’s columns. They will most certainly add to your understanding of the expanding boundaries of integral leadership.

In this issue you will also experience seven quality and diverse feature articles. I am always amazed by the continuous stream of excellent thought that are so representative of the growing scope of Integral Leadership. Whether you are looking for a good narrative concerning the story of an agent of change or seeking a rich intellectual discussion concerning cognition and intelligence you will find it in this issue’s Feature Articles. I think you will enjoy Lexi Neale’s AQAL for Dummies as well as Greg Southworth’s look at the intersection of happiness and leadership. In addition, I think you will be impressed by Angela Pfaffenberger’s treatment of postconventional personality development. As Angela writes; understanding the complexity of high stage development may offer a pathway to fostering such development and appraising correctly what type of person is most likely to progress.

In a related article Tatiana Bachkirova and Nick Shannon present a rich discussion on self-deception in leadership from a developmental perspective. This article takes a look at the phenomenon of self-deception with examples from people in prominent corporate or public leadership roles. Finally Edward Kelly is back with Part 2 of Warren Buffett’s transformation leadership. I hope you enjoy these excellent articles.

In this issue you will find a plethora of useful information in the Leadership Emerging, Notes from the Field as well as a book review of Mackey and Sisodia, Conscious Capitalism. Don’t forget to try your hand at the crossword puzzle! Enjoy the June issue and be sure to share with you your friend and colleagues. Invite them to join our community of learning and practice.

Safe Journeys

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