We are excited that you have come to visit ILR at its new home!
Please note that the navigation has changed:
- At the very top of the page (above the logo) you will find links to the our information pages concerning subscriptions, submissions, Friends of ILR and contact information.
- The main navigation is found under the logo. There you will see navigation buttons for each section of the current issue of ILR.
- Clicking on any of the links to the far left to go straight to those featured articles or click on the image (or the text link) to visit the main Table of Contents page for the current issue.
- Finally, clicking on the logo or masthead will always bring you back to the home page.
Obviously the site has been significantly upgraded from “Web1.0” to “Web2.0”. I would like to share with you a little about our new site (and the current transition to Web2.0), the ILR archives, and our 2011 expansion plans.
As I write this we are in the process of moving the old Integral Leadership Review site to a new host with the url www.Archive-ILR.com. Our new site, as you see, is www.IntegralLeadershipReview.com. Frankly, I am still not clear that all the functionality that we want has been set up, as yet. Please bear with us in this transition into uncharted (for me) territory. For example, it is not clear that the subscription function works, so if you would like to subscribe or manage your subscription, give another try back in a few days, if it does not work. The same is true for joining Friends of the Integral Leadership Review.
Once we get everything working properly, if you like the changes we have made, please remember that we are doing this mostly on our own dime and your support is very important to us. We hope you will join our Friends with a small gift of $10.00 or more. Your support helps us keep this information free to all who may use it to make an integral difference in the world, no matter their economic status.
In the meanwhile, I think you will find this site far more interactive with Tweet and other capabilities. If you want to comment on articles you can do that, too. What you see here is just some of the capabilities we hope to include as we evolve Integral Leadership Review into its next stage of development. We hope you like the changes and you find your own ways to let us know.
Thanks, on behalf of Jeannie, Keith, Sara, Brett and myself.
New site looks great. BUT. Everywhere I’ve ever published a link to anything interesting, now has a broken link for people to contend with. This happens anytime you change the permalink to any of your articles or issues.
It would be really helpful for some re-direction links, so that when any reader in the world clicks on an old link, they are taken to the new URL for that contant.
Thanks for bringing this to our, Debbie! We appreciate your feedback and we’ll see what we can do to get this fixed.