Life Lessons for Leaders is scheduled for publication in 2008 and is accepting submissions of true leadership stories to be included in the book. With a first printing of 500,000 copies, this book is part of the widely acclaimed Chicken Soup for the Soul series. The “Life Lessons” books are different from the typical Chicken Soup book in their focus on learning and application. Each chapter is focused on a different “key ingredient” and uses the stories as illustrations of a learning point. At the end of each chapter is a worksheet or exercise to help the reader apply the learning to their everyday life.
Stories should be between 300 and 1200 words and reflect an actual experience of the author or an illustration of an experience about which they are aware. Chicken Soup stories are inspirational as well as educational and use vivid imagery to pull the reader into the context of the story. While the structure of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Life Lessons for Leaders may change in production, the following chapters will provide guidelines for your submission. Please let us know which chapter you feel is most appropriate for your story.
- On Inspiration and Motivation
- On Coaching and Mentoring
- On Vision
- On Communication
- On Role-Modeling
- On Empowerment and Execution
- On Respect
Contributing a story also gives you an opportunity to include a short paragraph about you, promoting your latest book, project, etc. It has been reported to us that those paragraphs have been great advertisements for sales of books and other endeavors. Dr. Cherie Carter Scott, author of If Life is a Game, These are the Rules, has sold hundreds of thousands of books as a result of people writing her after reading her bio in A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul. She also appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show as a result of this! In addition, if the story you write is published, you will be paid $200 upon publication.
The deadline for story submission is July 31, 2007. For more information or to submit a story visit www.lifelessonsforleaders.com or write Dr. Todd Thomas, Life Lessons for Leaders, 28775 Stuart Avenue , Southfield , Michigan48076 USA.
Adizes Institute
On behalf of the Adizes Institute, it is our privilege and pleasure to invite you to attend the 29th International Adizes Convention which is going to be held from July 1st to July 3 (closed session for qualified and certified associates) and July 3rd (opening dinner) until July 5 night (open convention to all.) July 6 and 7, we will have an open, post-convention visit to Belgrade. On the night of July 7, we will have a post-convention celebration.
To learn more about the benefits of your early registration and to see the enriched Preliminary Program of the Adizes Convention 2007, please click here http://www.adizes.co.yu/convention2007 and visit the updated Convention web site.
In response to requests that we offer more opportunities for professional development and networking outside of Boston, the Foundations forLeadership http://www.solonline.org/leadership/ program will be held June 19-21 and a SoL members meetinghttp://www.solonline.org/announcements/item?item_id=9279149 will be held on Wednesday, November 7th – both at the Westin in downtown Seattle. According to members and participants, SoL events are a great opportunity to “recharge your batteries” in an environment that is intellectually challenging, reflective and practical, and emotionally supportive. It’s also a place to reconnect with old friends and make useful new connections. I hope you will join us, and pass on this information to others you think might be interested.
Facilitators: Sherry Immediato and Alain Gauthier
Reconnect with your own capacity for generative leadership in this three-day program. Based on the leadership development process described inThe Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge, and updated to include an overview of the “U” action-learning process featured in Presence (by Senge, Scharmer, et al) and in Theory U by Otto Scharmer, Foundations for Leadership is opportunity for for immersion in these concepts, personal coaching and reflection, and enhancing your peer network. The purpose of this session is to explore the sources of our leadership. Leadership is both deeply personal and inherently collective. At its essence it concerns the capacity of a human community to shape its destiny and, in particular, to bring forth new realities in line with people’s deepest aspirations. Participants will come away with a renewed understanding of how they can facilitate change, both within their organizations and in their personal lives. This program goes deeply into the domains of personal mastery, collaborative inquiry, and the systems perspective applied to sustaining profound change. The session includes a few interactive lectures, many paired and small group exercises, a simulation game, large group dialogue and regular opportunities for personal reflection. It is appropriate both as a development experience for emerging leaders and a renewal opportunity for seasoned veterans. Small teams are welcome to attend to develop their collective leadership. The group size is limited to 30.
Participants regularly report new insights on current conundrums, as well as leaving more energized than when they arrived, even after working intensely for three days. They speak of being better able to integrate their personal values into their everyday work life. Twenty-five years later, participants still can describe the value of this program in enhancing their effectiveness and well-being. To register for this program, please contact Stacy Bougie at stacy@solonline.org or call 617-300-9560.
If you are interested in a customized in-house training workshop or specialized consulting for your organization, please contact Frank Schneider, Partnership Development, at +1.617.300.9535 or frank@solonline.org.
November 7, 2007 http://www.solonline.org/announcements/item?item_id=9279149
at the 17th Annual Pegasus Conference – November 5-7, 2007; Westin Hotel – Seattle, Washington, USA
Reserve your space here. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=792553805553
Keynotes include:
Presencing: Leading from the Future As It Emerges– Otto Scharmer
A Synergy of Action: Large-Scale Change Takes Flight at Boeing– Peter Weertman and Others from Boeing’s Commercial Aviation Services
Collaboration: The Human Face of Systems Thinking– Peter Senge
Forum Sessions include:
Hastily Formed Networks: Organizing for Extraordinary Performance – Jeff Clanon, SoL; Carol Gorelick, SOLUTIONS; Susan Higgins, Naval Postgraduate School
Leveraging Diversity and Inclusiveness to Create High-Performing Organizations – John Jefferson, Shell US; Shelia Covert-Weiss and Greg Clark, Ford Motor Company; Frank Schneider, SoL
Transforming Our Systems Through Social Innovation– Tracy Huston, Menlo Lab, and Lou Cox, Consultant/Psychologist
Concurrent Sessions include:
Profit for Life: Corporate Success by Mimicking Living Systems – Joseph H. Bragdon, Socially Responsible Investing Consultant
The SoL Coaching Model: Mutual Learning in Action – Heidi Sparkes Guber and Dave Flanigan, Signet Research Consulting, LLC
Uncovering the Source of Phenomenal Results in Hewlett-Packard’s Inkjet Division – Anne Murray Allen, AMA Associates; Bob Johnson, Conversant/Storytellers, U.S.A.; Greg Merten, HP (retired)
http://www.pegasuscom.com/stapage.html to register. I’m very much looking forward to these upcoming events. I hope to see you at one or both of them!