Integral Theory Conference Follow-up
Conference Recording
Purchase the MP3 Recordings of ALL conference presentations, panels and keynote presentations (over 100 hrs of leading edge integral content!). $149. Product will ship in mid-September (allow up to 4 weeks for delivery). http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=151100.
JFK University Masters in Integral Theory
Fall 2008 Cohort of Online Certificate and Masters in Integral Theory
The Integral Theory Department invites you to learn more about the world’s first accredited integral learning community and degrees launched in partnership with the Integral Institute. The online format allows students to engage the program from anywhere on the globe. A few spots are still available for the Fall 2008 Cohorts – contact Program Coordinator John Scheunhage at integraltheoryinfo@jfku.edu if you would like to learn more.
JFK University Online Certificate in Integral Theory
Broaden your integral expertise by completing a one-year, 10- course, graduate-level Certificate for personal growth and increased career options.http://www.jfku.edu/programs/programs/integral_cert/
Spiral Dynamics in Canada
Leading in the Integral Age: Evolutionary Leadership for the 21st C
Spiral Dynamics integral*, Level II, Sept. 16-18, 2008
Calgary, AB, CANADA
Delta Hotel, Calgary South, 403-225-5800, 1-877-278-5050
The focus of this workshop will be on leading self, others, organizations and systems using Spiral Dynamics’ 4 Quadrant / 8 Level competencies, capacities and contexts. You will develop a personal leadership approach that aligns your intelligences, passions, priorities and potentials for effective leadership in a complex world. The course will help you understand what is important to yourself and others and why you need a range of appropriate leadership capacities. It will enable you to interpret situations with an awareness of the physical, social, cultural and psychological contexts experienced by other people. It will provide a leadership approach that aligns systematically, strategically, socially and systemically the outcomes, objectives and actions you need to accomplish.
Delivered by Dr. Marilyn Hamilton, a pioneer in the research and development of Leadership and Learning capacities using four quadrant, eight level (4Q8L) frameworks.
Integral Leader in Residence: Valerie Smith.
Full Course Details:
Email: leader@integralcity.com , Tel: 604-855-8478 Fax: 604-855-8870
Spiral Dynamics Integral in Europe
Special SDi Level 2 OnlinePeopleSCAN Training
Tuesday, 21st – Friday, 24th October, 2008 (Luzerne, Switzerland)
The OnlinePeopleSCAN training is recognized as being one of the most powerful and effective ways of facilitating an understanding of real-time application of SDi. OnlinePeopleSCAN identifies the hidden value systems in individuals and organizations, as well as the change states in these. The training includes developing user familiarity with the laptop / PC-based software, and web-based data captured anywhere globally throughwww.onlinepeoplescan.net. This system enables coaches and consultants alike to offer leading edge services to their clients, and equips the serious Practitioner with the capability to capture and interpret the data and information using the growing range of SDi profiling instruments, and ensures the quality application of these services across a wide range of applications and sectors. Successful completion of this event qualifies the participant to offer survey services, using ‘onlinePeopleSCAN’, in association with the growing network of onlinePeopleSCAN ‘FOCALs’ (local centres of SDi specialists). For more information and to register for this event, please contact Alina Hernandez Cooke at alina.h@bluewin.ch or visit www.spiraldynamicsgroup.com.
Monday, 24th – Friday 28th November, 2008 (Luzerne, Switzerland)
5deep integral – Global Advisory Service for the application of Integral Wisdomand Evolve to Be the World®- European Consultancy for the Implementation of Integral Values are leading together, in service, and offering a new program called theSYNAIRESIS OF THE WE—from the 24th to 28th November, 2008—Luzerne, Switzerland. The event is for the integrally informed, searching HOW to manifest true human contact, love and synergies, through an experiential WE-SPACE with a world and cosmo-centric response–ability. You are invited to FIND this space through the SYNAIRESIS OF THE WE. Attendance is by successful Application only. Contact: Alina Hernandez-Cooke at alina.h@bluewin.ch or Tel: +41 79 2910515 for details.
SDi Levels 1 & 2 One-Week Intensive Certification Program
Monday, 8th – Friday, 12th December, 2008 (Luzerne, Switzerland)
The one-week intensive training offers the “Explorer” Level 1 certification process integrating the Certification Level 2 in the form of the OnlinePeopleSCAN training – recognized as being one of the most powerful and effective ways of facilitating an understanding of real-time application of SDi. This event uses a wide range of learning experiences to provide a powerful personal exploration that builds upon your own life experiences and brings new insights and meaning to your journey to date.
OnlinePeopleSCAN identifies the hidden value systems in individuals and organizations, as well as the change states in these. The training includes developing user familiarity with the laptop / PC-based software, and web-based data captured anywhere globally throughwww.onlinepeoplescan.net. For more information and to register for this event, please contact Alina Hernandez Cooke at alina.h@bluewin.ch or visit www.spiraldynamicsgroup.com
Online SDi Mentored Support Service
The olinePeopleSCAN service makes available a service of online single purchase profiles and assessments, based on Spiral Dynamics Integral. This single purchase option allows novice users, and newly initiated students of Spiral Dynamics Integral and Integral Theory the opportunity to begin to test application of SDi, as a complement to the learning process involved with this integral work. By making a select group of profiles available, onlinePeopleSCAN hopes to facilitate the introduction and familiarization with this SDi application tool kit. We believe this will pave the way for more progressive usage of SDi and integral theory, and most importantly, the availability of these profiles will provide immediate support to a personal integral developmental pathway. OnlinePeopleSCAN offers access to three types of profiles, by means of three purchasing options: The Values Test, the Change State Indicator, and the CultureSCAN personal profile.Please visit www.spiraldynamicsgroup.com and select Explore Your Value Systems.
Integral Coaching Process: LEAP Experience
5 deep integral currently offers three levels of coaching under the identity of LEAP (Learning Environments And Processes). All are designed to support the development of an individual from a personal effectiveness, leadership and innovation perspective. This is a custom designed programme, run in Switzerland, covering all domains of life with a unique custom designed experience. The customized design draws from the vast experience of 5deep integral to provide an experience that ‘fits’, ‘works’ and ‘inspires’.
Center for Integrative Leadership, University of Minnesota
Fall 2008 Research and Practice Conference
Leading Across Boundaries for the Common GoodOctober 5-7, 2008
Join us at our second annual research and practice symposium, Integrative Leadership: Crossing Boundaries for the Common Good, Sunday, October 5, through Tuesday, October 7, 2008. Speakers include Mark Gerzon, Lois Quam, Joyce Bono, Mansour Javidan, Mary Uhl-Bien, and (invited) Bill George, and Noel Tichy, who will explore integrative leadership theory and practice.
The conference will feature presentations from integrative leaders (local, national, and global), as well as research presentations from diverse scholars on the topic of integrative leadership. Invited papers for the conference will explore attributes and behaviors of integrative leaders, accountability for outcomes, leadership development, integrative leadership theory and practice. Presenters include Jerry Hunt, Sonia Ospina, Michael McQuire, Thomas Maak, Sara Dodd, John Bryson, Barbara Crosby, Robert Denhardt, James Perry, Rosemary O’Leary. Selected conference papers will appear in a special issue of The Leadership Quarterly on integrative public leadership.
For more information, schedule, and registration go to: http://www.hhh.umn.edu/centers/cil/conference.html.
Sue L.T. McGregorinterview about transdisciplinarity is now streaming on the web
Sue L.T. McGregor PhD Professor
Transformative Practice book http://www.kon.org/news.html
Call for Papers
Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi
(http://www.fms.edu/) and the
School of Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship, Regent University, USA
invites your participation in the 2nd International Conference on Integrating Spirituality and Organizational Leadership(during February 9-12, 2009). The event will take place in Pondicherry in collaboration with Pondicherry University and The Auroville Foundation, Pondicherry. The planned conference builds on the success of the 1st International Conference held in February, 2007 and will again bring together leading scholars and practioners from USA, Europe and Asia to systematically explore the nature, determination, and implications of the spiritual dimensions of organizational leadership. The conference strives to bring together different perspectives, disciplines and spiritual traditions. Some practical, action oriented suggestions are expected to be born for integrating spirituality into organizational activity.
The conference website is: http://www.fms.edu/activities/icon_sol.php
Also http://www.isol2009.com.
Or Contact Sunita Singh-Sengupta, Ph.D.
University of Delhi, Delhi – 110 007, India
Work Phone : 91-11-27666382/83/84
Fax No. 91-11-27667183
Cell No. 9873167484
email: sunita.singhsengupta@gmail.com
WorldFuture 2009: Innovation and Creativity in a Complex World
The Annual Conference of the World Future Society
July 17-19, 2009, Hilton Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
The World Future Society’s annual conference, “WorldFuture 2009:Innovation and Creativity in a Complex World,” provides an opportunity for individuals and groups in many different fields to examine significant issues and address common problems that will affect our futures in as yet unimagined ways.Register Today and Save $300!
The conference will feature approximately 150 experts offering more than 75 sessions and events over the course of two and a half days. Sessions will cover a wide range of topics, including business and careers, technology and its impacts, futures methodologies and processes, governance and communities, resources and environment, education and learning, consciousness and spirituality, health–and much more! WFS speakers come from many disciplines and professions. This wide range of perspectives makes Society conferences exciting sources of useful, broad-ranging information about the future.
“WorldFuture 2009: Innovation and Creativity in a Complex World” will examine exciting new technologies now emerging in fields such as information science, genetics, and medicine, as well as practical forecasts you can use to make important decisions in both your work and private life.