Please take note that we have some exciting streaming audio interviews posted on the website with folks like Ian Mitroff,Barbara Marx Hubbard, Debbe Kennedy and Don Beck. The most recent one is with Craig Park, vice president of marketing for a major construction firm; interesting where you find Ken Wilber fans.
And, in case you haven’t noticed, we are forming Integral Publishers. We will be publishing books by Peter Merry,Evolutionary Leadership, (you can order his now), Jordan MacLeod on New Currency, Robert Rabbin, A Mystic in Corporate America and more in the pipeline.
I hope you are having an experience similar to mine: Every new issue is exciting with articles and information that appeal to a spectrum of interests around Integral Leadership. This issue is not exception. Where to begin?
How about Keith Bellamy’s column, Integral for the Masses, in which he focuses on the impact of scarcity politics on the lives and development of autistic children? Touching and important! And so is Sue McGregor’s discussion of poverty and transdisciplinarity. I offer a brief discussion of a couple of books on the transdisciplinary horizon. The interview with Brian Johnson, founder of Zaadz and now PhilosophersNotes, focuses on his self-development as an integral being, entrepreneur and leader from his retreat in Bali. And Steven Sunders offers a very practical leadership coaching tip on working through issues.
Other articles include Patricia von Papstein writing from Austria and her approach to integral play in organizations and Michael Jones’ discussionof imagination and leadership (you can listen to an audio of two of his piano pieces from one of his CDs as you read). A trio of Indian consultants (Ananthanarayan, Menon and Narendran) draw on a tetrahedron mapping approach developed by Prasad Kaipa, Chris Newham with a modest amount of input from me in looking at a consulting partnership failure. There is a case study by Metcalf and Lipetz of leadership transformation of a CEO and Integral Leadership in top teams (van Meer) and software development (Steeneken). Alan Tonkin’s global values update, notes from the field, announcements and reviews provide you with additional information. And we hope you enjoy the leadership cartoon in this issue.
Sidenote: Bill Bates is still in the hospital. We hope that his recovery occurs in all due speed. We miss him.
Enjoy this issue. Next is June. Have your submissions in by May 1. And, if you have any feedback or suggestions, don’t hesitate to let me know. Who would you like to hear interviews with? What subjects would you like to see addressed in articles? I look forward to hearing from you.russ@integralleadershipreview.com