Integral Theory Conference 2010
John F. Kennedy University
Concord, California
As part of its overall mission to promote mixed methods academic inquiry, the Integral Research Center hosts an Integral Research track at the biennial conference on Integral Theory. Please direct all conference inquiries to ITC@jfku.edu. Please include an email subject clearly addressing the nature of the inquiry (e.g., registration, volunteer, etc.).
What topics will the conference address?
- Psychotherapy and Coaching
- Community Development and Activism
- Global Warming and Sustainability
- Spirituality and Religious Pluralism
- Business and Economic Development
- Cultural Diversity
- Politics
- Health and Embodiment
- Feminism
- Gay and Lesbian Issues
- Theoretical Challenges and Modifications to the AQAL Approach
New Issue! International Journal of Leadership Studies: Volume 4, Issue 2
The International Journal of Leadership Studies (IJLS) is a refereed scholarly journal that exists to provide a forum for leadership scholars within the U.S. and around the world. To stimulate scholarly debate and a free flow of ideas, the IJLS is published in electronic format and provides access to all issues free of charge.
For a free subscription, visit http://www.regent.edu/acad/global/publications/subscribe.shtml.
To download the entire issue, please visit www.regent.edu/ijls.
In this Issue:
- Employees’ Perceptions of Lebanese Managers’ Leadership Styles and Organizational Commitment by Georges Yahchouchi
- Authoritarian Management Style in the Likud Party Under the Leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu by Yaffa Moskovich
- Influence of Alternative Work Arrangements on Followers’ Perceptions of Leader-Follower Relations and Leader Behavior by Dilek Yilmaz Börekçi
- A Model of Feedback-Seeking Based on the Leader-Member Exchange and Communication Antecedents by Kristen Campbell Eichhorn
- Cultural Value Orientation, Personality, and Motivational Determinants of Strategic Leadership in Africa by David B. Zoogah
- The Structure of Role Transition: A Phenomenological Study of Successful Executives from Five Countries by Sheri S. Bebb
- Practitioner’s Corner: Quality Management for Education Reform by Connie Daigle
- Book Review: Peter G. Northouse’s (2009) Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practices by Susan Gibbons
- Book Review: The Handbook on the Knowledge Economy (2005), Edited by David Rooney, Greg Hearn, & Abraham Ninan by Almarie E. Munley
If you have questions or feedback, please contact us.
Myra Dingman, Ph.D., Managing and Production Editor
E-mail: ijls@regent.edu
LEADERSHIP IN CRISIS 8th International Conference on Leadership Dec 7-8TH 2009
Hosted by the Centre for Leadership at the University of Birmingham (CLUB) www.club.bham.ac.uk
Indicative themes for the conference are as follows (please note these are not exhaustive and we welcome a wide range of submissions and imaginative styles of presentation):
Leading in crisis
- Governance, Ethics and Leadership
- Embedding leaders in institutions
- Leading, chaos and complexity
- Public sector leadership in crisis (Education, Health, Local Government, Policing etc.)
- Sense-making, decision-making, meaning-making
- Leading at times of natural and man-made disaster
Leadership theory in crisis?
- Traits and types and stereotypes
- Discourses of leadership and leadership development
- Narrative and leading
- Leading, Politicking and Managing
- Quantitative treatments of leadership
- Leaders, Talk and Leaders’ talk
Please send Abstracts (approx. 300 words) by Sept 30th 2009 to y.t.harley@bham.ac.uk
Conference Administrator: Yvonne Harley y.t.harley@bham.ac.uk
DISSERTATION AWARD: $1000 plus expenses to attend and present at the
International Leadership Association’s 11th Annual Conference in Prague,
Czech Republic, Nov. 11-14, 2009
Submission Deadline: August 15, 2009
The Jepson School of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond seeks submissions for the 2009 Fredric M. Jablin Dissertation Award. This award was established to honor and celebrate the life of Dr. Fredric M. Jablin (1952-2004). The award will be given annually to a scholar whose dissertation research, while on any topic and from any discipline, must demonstrate substantial insights and implications for the study of leadership. In order to be eligible for the award competition, a dissertation must be completed between August 1, 2007 and August 1, 2009.
In partnership with the International Leadership Association, this year’s recipient will be honored at ILA’s Eleventh Annual Conference, Nov. 11 – Nov. 14, 2009 in Prague, Czech Republic, where the recipient will be asked to present their dissertation research. The recipient of the award will also receive the following:
- $1000 cash prize from the Jepson School of Leadership Studies
- Travel expenses to the ILA conference
- Complimentary one year membership to the ILA
- Complimentary ILA conference registration
Interested parties should submit a letter of interest, a 3-5 page abstract of a substantive dissertation chapter (specifically, the chapter that best represents the author’s dissertation), a brief biography, and verification of the dissertation defense date (e.g., a letter from the dissertation advisor). Candidates should e-mail submissions as attachments to jepsonaward@richmond.edu. Please do NOT send the dissertation. The award committee will contact semi-finalists by August 21, 2009 to request a full dissertation chapter. Further information about the Dissertation Award can be found at http://jepson.richmond.edu/programs/jda/index.html.
NSi presents: Third Annual Integral Education Seminar
August 2-7, Whidbey Institute, WA
A 5-day seminar in an incredibly beautiful setting with educators from around the globe–teachers, coaches, workshop leaders, parents and professors who are seeking the necessary vision, skills, and processes to fully serve their students, children, and the world we inhabit.
Featured presenters:
Susanne R. Cook-Greuter is an authority on Mature Adult Development with a doctorate in Human Development and Psychology.
John T. Kesler is a founding teacher of the Integral Spiritual Center and a founding member of the Politics branch of the Integral Institute, certified by Genpo Roshi to facilitate the Big Mind Process.
Miriam Mason Martineau works in private practice as an integral therapeutic counselor.
Terry Patten has worked with Ken Wilber and a core team at Integral Institute to develop Integral Life Practice and has recently finished co-writing a book with Ken Wilber, Marco Morelli, and Adam Leonard: Integral Life Practice.
Craig Hamilton is a pioneer in the emerging field of evolutionary spirituality. Craig is a founding member of Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute, and a participant in the Synthesis Dialogues.
Terri O’Fallon is presently one of three principals for Pacific Integral, an LLC that uses and teaches this framework.
Some of the core questions we will be asking ourselves are
- How can education coherently address the whole human being, a being of body, mind, and spirit, immersed in cultural meaning making, social structures, and natural systems?
- How can we embody an integral perspective in all aspects of curriculum, teaching stances, activities, and assessment?
- In a universe unfolding into increasing consciousness and complexity, how can we work not only to develop current capacities, but also to create the conditions for the emergence of more complex perspectives in the future?
Registration: http://www.i-edu.org/registration.php
The Global Women’s Leadership Network Announces Its 2009 Women Leaders for the World Program
The 2009 program will be held December 6 to 11 at the beautiful Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos, CA.
You can find more information and an application at http://www.scu.edu/business/gwln/programs/women-leaders-world.cfm. Deadline for international applications is July 15, 2009.
We are launching our fundraising campaign to provide scholarships for tuition, room, and board. We appreciate all of your contributions.
For more information, contact Linda Alepin (lalepin@scu.edu).
Go to http://web.hec.ca/leadergraphies/
for an update on the 100 book project led by Thierry Pauchant.
Experience Integral Foundation Presents…
Seminar Integral Life & Leadership
for Sustainable Evolution, August 4-9, 2009
Catalyze your evolution:
- Immersion in cutting edge Integral Theory: Get acquainted with the latest leadership and sustainability theories and practices.
- Exploring your Growing Edge: Realize your talents and face your fears.
- Going over the Edge Together: Share new inspirations and deep connections.
NeuroLeadership Institute: Graduate Certificate in The Neuroscience of Leadership
Faculty includes
- Lead Professor:
- Dr. Dan Radecki holds a Bachelors in Psychology, Masters in Biopsychology and a Ph.D. in Neuroscience and brings a background in teaching neuroscience to this extraordinary program.
- Guest Professors include:
- Amy Arnsten, Ph.D., Yale University;
- Mark Beeman, Ph.D., Chicago Northwestern University;
- Lila Davachi, Ph.D., New York University;
- Kevin Ochsner, Ph.D., Columbia University;
- Yi-Yuan Tang, Ph.D., Dalian University of Technology;
- and more.
- Facilitators include:
- David Rock and several Results Coaching Systems senior trainers.
Go to www.NeuroLeadership.org
to fill in an expression of interest form.
Applications due June 30th.
Also find details of the upcoming
2009 NeuroLeadership Summit at
Integral Leadership for Sustainable Evolution Seminar
Experience Integral Foundation presents…
Integral Leadership For Sustainable Evolution
Are you awake? Are you on a mission? Do you have a big ego and an even bigger heart?
This seminar serves the evolution of emerging leaders all over the globe. Everyone between 18 and 38 is welcome to join us from August 4th to 9th, 2009 in the Netherlands! Your trainers will be Clint Fuhs, Barret C. Brown, Irini Rockwell, Jesse McKay, Sydney Leijenhorst, Anouk Brack and more. Check out www.experienceintegral.org and register today!
- Immersion in cutting edge Integral Theory: Get acquainted with the latest leadership and sustainability theories and practices
- Exploring your Growing Edge: Realize your talents and face your fears
- Going over the Edge Together: Share new inspirations and deep connections
Program themes Include: Applied Integral Leadership, the shadow and the spirit of leadership, embodied presence, sustainability and deep ecology.
Join us for 5 days of accelerated evolution! You will gain clarity on your planetary mission, catalyze the unfolding of your talents, and get geared up to put your personal leadership into real world action! Go to www.experienceintegral.org to register and find out about this unique seminar. See you in the Netherlands!
Let’s go in deep!
- Leadership Shadowwork
- What are your hidden thought patterns that help and hinder you?
- Subtle Energies of Leadership
- Learn to use your masculine and feminine energies consciously.
- Spirit of Leadership
- How big is your big picture?
- Embodied Presence
- Being present when connecting and communicating while tuning into your passion, purpose, and perspectives
- Sustainability and deep ecology
- How sustainable are you really? How do we create momentum for change?
This unique seminar is tailor-made for emerging leaders and change makers all over the globe. You don’t have to become a politician to be a leader. If you are passionate about taking responsibility by putting your unique talents to use for yourself, the rest of us and the planet, while caring for yourself and your development, you’re a leader.
PLEASE NOTE: The number of participants is limited to 35. Reserve your spot now on http://www. experienceintegral.org/home/seminar-overview/