Fresh Perspective: Almost: The Interview That Will Never Air? Jim Garrison
Russ Volckmann
My intentions were good and I collaborated with my technology to make it impossible to share with you as remarkable interview with Jim Garrison. Can you imagine my pain? Can you imagine the stress management exercises I am drawing on today?
Well, all is not lost. Jim graciously acceded to doing another interview and that is posted as a streaming audio on the ILR website. It is well worth the listen, https://transdisciplinaryleadership.org/mp3pages/2009-05-garrison-jim.php.
In the meanwhile, I thought I might share these notes with you. Let me see if I can summarize some of the key themes that emerged during the interview.
- Jim Garrison’s own international background (read about this a bit at http://www.worldforum.org/overview.htm and http://www.worldforum.org/board.htm. One of the highlights of this for me was hearing about the constellation of living in other countries with an educational program leading to a Cambridge PhD. Through these he pursued his interests in philosophy, history and world religions.
- Hearing about his attraction to his “good friend” Ken Wilber. Garrison was effusive in his praise and admiration for the integral approach of Wilber, agreeing that his is the most important contribution to a coherent view of human being since the Plato’s Dialogues.
- Following his role in working with Michael Gorbachev and his Foundation/USA, the work evolved into the State of the World Forum. This annual event has been held yearly around the world. It has spawned numerous organizations and actions to address a wide range of challenges faced by the people of the world.
- This year’s Forum will be held in Washington, D.C., November 12-14 that will draw on an impressive group of individuals and organizations to address how we can reverse global climate change. The presenters list can be seen athttp://www.worldforum.org/2009featured-speakers.htm. You will find familiar names such as Barrett Brown, Michael Cox, Sean Esbjorn-Hargens, Marilyn Hamilton, Ervin Laszlo, Peter Merry, Caroline Myss, Robb Smith, Herman Wijffels and Ken Wilber—the latter dependent on his health.
- The challenge of climate change is almost overwhelming. Garrison makes a strong case for the need to address emissions now in the face of the melting of glaciers and corresponding release of methane gas, even more damaging than CO2.
- There is some evidence of hope in that there are a number of things we can do now to contribute to controlling climate change: paint roofs of houses white or silver. Plant trees…and more trees…curtail energy use by individuals.
- Garrison urges anyone on planet earth who can possibly make it to Washington in November show up for the State of the World Forum and follow up with actions generated through the conference.
- Garrison has promised to assure that the progress being made on this will be shared with the readers of ILR through the rest of this year.
In addition, I noted that there is the report of an interview with Ken Wilber in the April 2009 issue of Ode—for Intelligent Optimists a magazine that reports good news stories about what is happening in the world. This magazine is edited by Jurriaan Kamp who will be presenting at the State of the World Forum. The mission of Ode is to accentuate the positive through the magazine and an online newsletter. (http://www.odemagazine.com.)
So, stay tuned. Keep your eyes on this website and future issues of the Integral Leadership Review for more on this important stream of information. And here I apologize publicly to Jim and to you for not bringing this wonderful interview to you in its detail and in Jim Garrison’s voice. And I hope you will listen to the one that did make it to the site. https://transdisciplinaryleadership.org/mp3pages/2009-05-garrison-jim.php