
Leading Comments: Conference Time and Deadlines

Russ Volckmann

Russ Volckmann

You have been receiving a great number of emails from us recently, a highly unusual situation. The Integral Leadership Collaborative Conference beginning August 15 with over 300 participants is a most unusual and international event. Unfortunately, if you have not registered by the time you are seeing this, then access to the content of over 40 keynotes, panels and roundtables is highly questionable at this point. I do hope we can make this content available in the future to non attendees.

This issue of Integral Leadership Review reflects some of the qualities of the Conference. For example, the Fresh Perspectives feature two interviews, one with Gail Hochachka and Michael Simpson of OneSky and a second with Roberto Bonilla (all panel members in the conference). The first is a discussion of integral international development and the second is a discussion of the application of Spiral Dynamics integral assessments in business, government and culture in Mexico. This is real on-the-ground material. If you have questions about if integral leadership is being applied in the world than these should serve as examples that would confirm its relevance, vitality and effectiveness.

You may notice that we have moved Notes from the Field to near the top of the Table of Contents in this issue. We are doing this in recognition that reports from people like you who attend conferences and other integral and leadership related events have important information to share with the rest of us about what happened and what were the valuable takeaways that we may learn from.

The lead article is by ILR UK Bureau Chief Nick Shannon. This is a note that escalated into a full-fledged article/review about integral and spirituality inspired by Cindy Wigglesworth (ILC presenter) and her presentation to the London integral Center. This is followed by an extraordinary article about leadership by Gaetano R. Lotrecchiano that is an excellent conceptual presentation. Then there are not to miss articles by Bonnitta Roy, Marilyn Hamilton (both ILC panel members) and their co-authors.

Forgive me if I don’t mention all of the articles, but my plate is full with ILC 
Conference preparations. Take a look at the table of contents and you will no doubt find something of interest and value, not matter what your leadership interests.

John Rowan and Glen Rogers have provided in depth reviews of some very interesting books related to the upper left quadrant and its relationship with context.

We hope you enjoy this issue.

Russ Volckmann