Joey W.K. Chan
Joey has been a spearhead of the Learning Organization movement in the Greater China region for more than a decade. Starting with the MIT systems thinking approach, Joey is an Action Research life-practitioner. He embraces Argyris and Schon’s reflective approach as his core organizational development philosophy. Joey is committed to evolve an integral model that could be actionable enough to bring concrete result in this under-delivering consulting industry.
For over a decade, Joey has been both an avid reader and a critical integrator in the field of management consulting, as well as organizational development. He has met with the most world-renowned practitioners in the field and, in turn, he deliberately and seamlessly includes the most empirically researched practices under one compatible roof, which he and his partners call Integral Consulting.
Joey’s knowledge excels in a couple of critical areas, including Chris Argyris and Donald Schon’s Action Science; Eli Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints; Peter Senge’s five-disciplines approaches; and Elliott Jaques’ Requisite Organization. With these applicable approaches, Joey serves as a strong backbone to Birdview Management Consulting’s pool of actionable technology.
Joey has been working with clients in different sectors (including mainly manufacturing, service, government, education, etc.), in different countries (Hongkong, Taiwan, Mainland China and Singapore). He is currently the only contracted consultant to the Goldratt Group in Hong Kong involving in a multi-million dollar consulting project to implement a whole-scale change process that seeks to bring an extraordinary sales result and profit to the client company.
Joey is a consultant, independent writer, a lecturer and the chairperson to a youth-mentoring NGO. He is currently a TOCICO certified practitioner in TOC application to supply-chain and manufacturing; he also is a consulting member to the Founding Society of Organizational Learning (SoL); a member of the System Dynamics Society; and he attended an advanced study in MIT Sloan School of Management, focusing on the knowledge of system dynamics.
He can be reached by email joey@birdview.com.hk.