Alain B. Volz
Founder / Synnervator, ATMA – Authenticity Talent & Management Advice
Alain Volz M.Sc.(1969) has studied Business Administration and Organisational Psychology. He started his career with Royal Dutch Ahold and has worked with IPMMC and TC&O. For the last 10 years Alain has been working with Twynstra Gudde Consultants and Managers as senior consultant Human Talent & Change Management.
Currently Alain is co-director of the Center for Human Emergence in the Netherlands and founder of the School of Synnervation. CHE-NL is a network organization with approximately 350 volunteers who are organized in constellations. Alain supports the constellations with organising according to holacratic principles and is responsible for the alignment with CHE purpose and principles. The school of Synnervation wants to become a leading institute in research, development and education of human behavior and integral resilience. Its objective is to study tools and best practices that contribute to health life conditions and share them to support a sustainable planetary growth. CHE-NL is one of the practices to be studied and the school offers several leadership development programs.
Alain is expert in value based HR strategies, competency based HR systems, leadership development and human behavior in change processes. He uses an integral perspective in his work as change facilitator. His major challenge is to support organizations in discovering and enabling talent to contribute to sustainable economic performance. In doing so he strives for realizing strategy by connecting people.
Alain has written several books and articles on competency based HR, knowledge management and leadership development. He is guest teacher at the University of Amsterdam and the Radboud University Nijmegen.
It is his personal belief that every human being is unique. By discovering our own unicity we can create unity. In our heart we all want to be acknowledged as an unique individual. In our being we all want to contribute to the good of the whole.
Connecting to our inner Self enables us to really connect with others. This connection with others creates both creativity and effectiveness. Organisations can become more resilient and more efficient by facilitating these processes of change.
Individual and collective consciousness and involvement are needed to be effective in facing today’s complexity and to be sustainable in solving tomorrow’s questions.
Radboud University Nijmegen (1988-1994)
- Business Administration – masters degree (1988-1994)
- Organisational Psychology – masters level (1991-1994)
- Werkgevers willen slimmer werken; interview in P&O actueel; 19 februari 2004 nummer 4
- A.B. Volz, M. Van den Bos – CD-Rom Zicht op uw talent; Twynstra Gudde 2004
- A.B. Volz, S. Noorman – ‘Competentiemanagement in de collectieve sector; investeren in mensen en kwaliteit’ in Handboek management in overheidsorganisaties; Samson december 2002
- A.B. Volz, Th.J. van der Heijden; Hoofdstuk ‘Competentiemanagement’ in Leerboek Personeelsmanagement; Open Universiteit/Samson 2001/2004
- A.B. Volz, S.S.P. Welzen, Th.J. van der Heijden; ‘Functiebeschrijving in de 21e eeuw’ in Handboek Functiewaardering 2000
- Th.J. van der Heijden, A.B. Volz, H.F. Reidinga, R. Schutte; Competentiemanagement, van belofte naar verzilvering, serie Monografieën Personeel & Organisatie Kluwer1999; tweede oplage Samson 2000; derde oplage Samson 2001; vierde oplage Samson 2002
- A.B. Volz, ‘Competenties als fundering voor strategisch personeelsmanagement’ in Handboek functiewaardering, afl. 9 2000
- H.E.B.M. Aalbers, A.B. Volz; ‘Met talenten naar competenties of met competenties naar talenten’ in HRM handboek voor de praktijk, aflevering 7 3/9 1-1 1998
- A.B. Volz, H.E.B.M. Aalbers; ‘Denken in competenties, werken met talenten’ in De Gids voor personeelsmanagement, jaargang 77, nummer 1 1998
- Th. Boekhof, W. Ligthart, H. Vinkenburg, A. Volz; The Knowledge factor – uitgave Twynstra Gudde 1997
- Th. Boekhof, W. Ligthart, H. Vinkenburg, A. Volz; Kennis een factor om te managen – uitgave Twynstra Gudde 1996
- A.B. Volz, J.P. van der Pool; ‘Just In time Learning’ bij Ahold in MD journaal, tijdschrift voor management development, jaargang 4 nummer 1995
- European committee for Work and Pay – Secretary 1996-1998
- Twynstra Gudde Working Council; chairman committee for social compensation and benefits – 1997-2000
- De Spil – HR network Radboud University Nijmegen – 1996-
- International association for Organizational and Social Development (IOD) – member of the open community alumni network – 2001-
- Center for Human Emergence – 2005 –
- Co founder of CHE Netherlands
- member of the summit committee – organizing the conference “Klaar om te wenden?” (translated: ready aboard?) with Herman Wijffels, Don Beck, Ervin Laszlo and Peter Merry
- host of the spiral coaches constellation – facilitating learning sessions for professional coaches and consultants working with Spiral Dynamics and the integral theory
- 2006 Co-director CHE-NL – with focus on the internal organisation and network
- 2007 founder of the CHE initiative School of Synnervation
Address: Hunzestraat 57-1, 1079 VT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 – 64.24.903, Cell: +31 6 –
E-mail: Alainvolz@atma.nu– or – Alain@humanemergence.nl
Website: http://www.atma.nu