Wendelin Küpers, PhD

Wendelin Kupers
Wendelin Küpers (Germany) Karlshochschule International University in Karlsruhe,
Email: wkuepers@karlshochschule.de
After working for several years in the business world, Wendelin Küpers studied economics and business administration at the private University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany and philosophy at the Ruhr-University in Bochum, Germany. Having finalized his PhD. on a Phenomenology of Service Quality, he was working at the Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, where he also pursued a research project on ’demotivation in organizations.’ Afterwards he worked as a Senior Lecturer and Senior Researcher at the Chair of Business Administration, Leadership, and Organization at the Distance University of Germany (FernUniversitaet Hagen), where he initiated a course on ‘Integral Organisation and Leadership’. Using an integral approach, he has taught at different universities in Europe including the University of St. Gallen and University of Innsbruck, Austria as well as University of Oldenburg, where he offered courses on ‘Integral Education Leadership’.
Subsequent of being an associate professor at the School of Management, Massey University in Auckland, New Zealand, he is now serving as a Professor of Leadership and Organization Studies at Karlshochschule International University in Karlsruhe, Germany
Combining a phenomenological and cross-disciplinary orientation, his research moves around embodied, emotional and creative, respectively aesthetic dimensions in organizational life-worlds and leadership. In his current research and teaching he is focusing on more responsible, and wiser forms and education of organizational and leadership towards more integral and hence sustainable ‘inter-practices’.
Some recent publications include:
(2014). “Between Non- and Post-Disciplinarity?!“ Integral Leadership Review 4/29 April-June 2014
(2014) “Meta-Theory for Integral Transformational Leadership Research and Practice”, Integral Review, Special Issue on “Research Across Boundaries” (forthcoming).
(2014) “Inter-Integralism – Critical Perspectives on Advanced and Adequate Phenomenology and ‘Pheno-Practice’ for Integral Research, In: Sean Esbjörn-Hargens (ed) True but partial Essential Critiques of Integral Theory, Albany: The State University of New York Press SUNY Press (forthcoming).
(2013) (with D. Pauleen) “A Handbook of Practical Wisdom: Leadership, Organization and Integral Business Practice“, London: Gower.
(2013) “The Art of Practical Wisdom ~ Phenomenology of an Embodied, Wise Inter-practice in Organisation and Leadership”, in Küpers, W. & Pauleen, D. (2013). A Handbook of Practical Wisdom. Leadership, Organization and Integral Business Practice. 19-45 Imprint: London: Gower.
(2013)“Embodied Inter-Practices of Leadership”, for special issue on ‘The Materiality of Leadership: corporeality and subjectivity’ in Leadership 9(3) 335–357.
For further publications: