Wessel Ganzevoort

Wessel Ganzevoort
Professor J. Wessel Ganzevoort joined KPMG in 1970 as a management consultant. He studied business administration, economics and social psychology. Since 1982 he served KPMG in various management positions: as chairman of the Dutch practice, as chairman of KPMG’s European consulting activities and as deputy chairman for global consulting. From 1994 to 1996 he was president of the Netherlands Association of Management consultancy Firms (ROA).
From 1996 to 1999 Wessel Ganzevoort was responsible for KPMG Inspire Foundation, an innovation and research center of KPMG. Since 1998 he teaches organization dynamics and innovation at the University of Amsterdam. Since he left KPMG in January 2000 he has become non executive chairman and board member of several companies and institutions and is also active as a boardroom consultant.